The SEN–MAS′14 Workshop aims at providing a forum for presenting and discussing recent advances and experiences in building and using multi–agent systems for modelling, simulation and management of smart energy networks. In particular, it includes (but is not limited to) the following topics of interest:<br>– Eeriences of Smart Grid implementations by using MAS<br>– Applications of Smart Grid technologies<br>– Management of distributed generation and storage<br>– Islands Power Systems, Microgrid Applications<br>– Real time configurations of energy networks<br>– Distributed planning process for energy networks by using MAS<br>– Self–configuring or self–healing energy systems<br>– Load modelling and control with MAS<br>– Simulations of Smart Energy Networks<br>– Software Tools for Smart Energy Networks<br>– Energy Storage<br>– Electrical Vehicles<br>– Interactions and exchange between networks for electricity, gas and heat<br>– Stability in Energy Networks<br>– Distributed Optimization in Energy Networks<br>
Deadline Paper
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