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The SEN&#8211;MAS&#8242;14 Workshop aims at providing a forum for presenting and discussing recent advances and experiences in building and using multi&#8211;agent systems for modelling, simulation and management of smart energy networks&#046; In particular, it includes (but is not limited to) the following topics of interest:<br>&#8211; Eeriences of Smart Grid implementations by using MAS<br>&#8211; Applications of Smart Grid technologies<br>&#8211; Management of distributed generation and storage<br>&#8211; Islands Power Systems, Microgrid Applications<br>&#8211; Real time configurations of energy networks<br>&#8211; Distributed planning process for energy networks by using MAS<br>&#8211; Self&#8211;configuring or self&#8211;healing energy systems<br>&#8211; Load modelling and control with MAS<br>&#8211; Simulations of Smart Energy Networks<br>&#8211; Software Tools for Smart Energy Networks<br>&#8211; Energy Storage<br>&#8211; Electrical Vehicles<br>&#8211; Interactions and exchange between networks for electricity, gas and heat<br>&#8211; Stability in Energy Networks<br>&#8211; Distributed Optimization in Energy Networks<br>