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ISWC invites submissions on everything related to computing on the body: on&#8211;body sensing and sensor networks; wearables for professional use, mobile healthcare, or entertainment; wearability and interaction; and “on&#8211;the&#8211;go” uses of mobile devices and systems&#046; Submissions can be full papers, notes, or posters, and are *due April 4, 2014*, with *abstracts due March 28&#046;*<br>Areas of Interest<br>From Mobile to Wearable<br>* Wearable system design, wearable displays<br>* Smart textile technologies, textile sensing and feedback<br>* Wearable sensors, actuators, input/output devices<br>* Hardware and software aspects of power management<br>* Manufacturing aspects of wearables and smart textiles<br>* Wearable sensor networks, including wireless networks, on&#8211;body networks, and support for interaction with other wearables, pervasive and ubiquitous computing systems, the Internet, communication channels, or multimedia streaming<br>* Software and service architectures, infrastructure&#8211;based and ad&#8211;hoc systems, operating systems, dependability, fault tolerance, security, trustworthiness<br>* Wearable apps designed for / delivered through smartphones<br>* Smartphone services, smartphone designs, smartphones as personal wearables<br>* Smartphone technologies with a wearable impact, e&#046;g&#046; combining devices<br>* Extending smartphone hardware with sensing or novel IO modalities<br>* Smartphone interaction, cooperative smartphones or wearables, grids and clouds of smartphones, ensembles of wearable artifacts, coordination of wearables<br>Information processing, methods, tools<br>* Context recognition methods, including location awareness, activity recognition, cognitive&#8211;affective state recognition, and social context recognition<br>* Adaptivity, personalization, customization and lifelong learning in activity recognition<br>* Robust, fault&#8211;tolerant, opportunistic &amp; power&#8211;aware methods<br>* Context&#8211;awareness through big data, web&#8211;mining and cloud computing<br>* Data fusion, sensor synergies, advanced machine learning and reasoning for context awareness<br>* Automating the design of activity recognition chains<br>* Smart or automated data annotation techniques<br>* Modeling, simulations, and tools supporting science<br>* Formal evaluation of performance of wearable computer technologies<br>* Usability, HCI and Human Factors<br>* Interaction design, industrial design of wearable systems<br>* Human factors, wearability, acceptance, ergonomics<br>* User modeling, user evaluation, usability engineering, user experience design<br>* Systems and designs for combining wearable and pervasive/ubiquitous computing<br>* Explicit and implicit interfaces, including hands&#8211;free approaches, speech&#8211;based interaction, sensory augmentation, haptics, and context&#8211;aware interfaces<br>* Societal implications, health risk, environmental and privacy issues<br>* Wearable technology for social&#8211;network computing, visualization and augmentation<br>Applications of wearables<br>* Wearables in consumer markets and for entertainment<br>* Wearables in industry, in manufacturing, in offices, for the mobile worker, in construction<br>* Wearables for teaching and education<br>* Environmental sciences, urbanism, and architecture<br>* Wearables and smart&#8211;clothing in medicine, wellness, healthcare, to support disabilities, and to enable the elderly<br>* Wearables enabling ambient assisted living<br>* Wearables in psychology, social sciences<br>* Human&#8211;robot interactions<br>* Wearables in culture, fashion and the arts, sports and music<br>* Wearables in crowds, wearables sensing and influencing collective behaviors<br>* Integrating wearables into larger systems, such as augmented reality systems, training systems and systems designed to support collaborative work<br>* Studies based on large cell phone deployments<br>EyeWear Computing (special category)<br>* Cutting edge HMD devices, novel optical design methods<br>* Eyewear mounted sensors, actuator systems, impact studies<br>* Input/output devices and Interaction design for eyewear based systems, enabling applications<br>* Eyewear computing for healthcare<br>* Human factors issues with, and ergonomics of, eyewear systems<br>