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High Performance Computing at extreme scale sets new challenges which have to be faced to guarantee fault tolerance and reliability&#046; The Peer&#8211;to&#8211;Peer (P2P) and Autonomic Computing (AC) paradigms have emerged as highly appealing, scalable solutions to tackle the above issues and the growing complexity of such software and hardware technologies&#046; While P2P solutions put the emphasis on decentralization and sharing of resources, AC solutions are based on equipping computational entities with autonomic (self&#8211;*) features&#046; These approaches are, of course, complementary and are often combined together in modern distributed systems that avoid central coordination and human intervention&#046; The design, implementation, and analysis of these complex systems pose several challenges, both with functional and non&#8211;functional properties, depending on network size, churn rate and application context&#046; This workshop has the goal of providing an international forum for researchers and practitioners willing to present, discuss and exchange innovative research results and advanced topics that combine theoretical and practical approaches to modeling and high performance simulation, but also modeling and simulation of high performance (extreme scale) systems&#046;<br>The workshop topics include (but are not limited to) the following issues of P2P and Autonomic systems:<br>&#8211; M&amp;S of High Performance Systems<br>&#8211; High Performance M&amp;S<br>&#8211; Formal Modeling and Analysis<br>&#8211; Discrete Event Modeling and Simulation<br>&#8211; Agent&#8211;based Simulation<br>&#8211; Novel Techniques for M&amp;S<br>&#8211; M&amp;S&#8211;Based Development Methods<br>&#8211; High Performance Fault Tolerance / Resilience at Extreme Scale<br>&#8211; Evaluation of Combined P2P and AC Systems<br>&#8211; Overlay Schemes Performance Evaluation<br>&#8211; Analysis of P2P/AC&#8211;based Applications and Services<br>&#8211; Workload Characterization and Simulation<br>&#8211; Analysis of Emergent Behaviors<br>&#8211; Evaluation of Trust and Reputation Systems<br>&#8211; Verification at Runtime of AC Systems<br>&#8211; Real&#8211;Time Aspects, including Timing Violations for Multimedia and Other Real&#8211;Time Traffic<br>&#8211; Analysis of novel network services supporting P2P such as RELOAD and ALTO<br>&#8211; Impact of P2P Traffic on the Network Infrastructure<br>