The use and development of High Performance Computing in Latin America is steadily growing. New challenges come from the capabilities provided by clusters, grids, and distributed systems for HPC, promoting research and innovation in this area.<br>Building on the great success of the previous six editions of the Latin American Symposium on High Performance Computing (HPCLATAM) and the Conferencia Latinoamericana de Computación de Alto Desempeño (CLCAR), 2014 will witness a major event: the VII HPCLATAM – CLCAR Joint Conference, Conferencia de Computación de Alto Rendimiento Latinoamérica (CARLA 2014). The event also includes the Third High Performance Computing School–ECAR 2014 (from 13–17 October, 2014).<br>The main goal of the CARLA 2014 conference is to provide a regional forum fostering the growth of the HPC community in Latin America through the exchange and dissemination of new ideas, techniques, and research in HPC. The symposium will feature invited talks from academy and industry, short– and full–paper sessions presenting both mature work and new ideas in research and industrial applications. Suggested topics of interest include, but are not restricted to:<br>Parallel Algorithms and Architectures<br>Distributed systems, Grid, and Cloud Computing<br>High Performance Applications<br>High Performance Software Tools<br>Visualization and Data Management<br>Tools and Environments for High Performance System Engineering<br>Component Technologies for High Performance Computing<br>Parallelism and Data Sharing on Multi–core Architectures<br>Graphics Processing Units in High Performance Computing<br>Virtualization in High Performance Computing<br>Country–wide Grid and Distributed Computing Initiatives<br>
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