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The 10th International Conference DT&#8242;2014 is the annual event that is traditionally held in Zilina&#046; The aim of the workshop is to bring together researches, developers, teachers from academy as well as industry working in all areas of digital technologies&#046; Especially young researchers and postgraduate PhD students are greatly welcome to participate in this event&#046; Beside the scientific field, several cultural and social events are planned for the enjoyment of workshop attendees&#046;<br>Each paper will be evaluated for acceptance by at least two peer reviewers&#046; Furthermore, paid registration to the Conference is mandatory for paper acceptance (one registration per paper)&#046; We are going to add the publication of the full set of accepted papers to Scopus database&#046;<br>The conference makes is focused on a wide range of applications of computer systems&#046; Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:<br>&#8211; Circuit theory and its applications<br>&#8211; Digital signal processing<br>&#8211; Multimedia<br>&#8211; Communication and control systems and networks<br>&#8211; Measurement systems and instrumentations<br>&#8211; Hardware and software solutions<br>&#8211; Innovative eHealth, Applications and Producits<br>&#8211; Electronic Health Records and Medical Databases<br>&#8211; Medical Image Analysis and Biomedical Visualization<br>&#8211; Computer&#8211;Aided Diagnosis<br>&#8211; Telemedicine, Telehealth and Remote Monitoring<br>&#8211; Reliability analysis and risk estimation<br>&#8211; Testing and fault&#8211;tolerant systems<br>&#8211; Accident and incident investigation<br>&#8211; Human factor<br>&#8211; Risk and hazard analysis<br>&#8211; Software reliability<br>&#8211; Computational Intelligence<br>&#8211; Data mining and Knowledge discovery<br>&#8211; Education, e&#8211;learning<br>