The aim of a special session is to provide an overview of the state–of–the–art<br>and current research directions in specific fields of sensing technologies and<br>their applications across scientific disciplines. Topics welcome include:<br>– Wireless Sensor Networks<br>– Autonomous Sensors and Sensor Systems<br>– Smart Environmental Monitoring Systems<br>– Applications of Smartphones as Sensing Platforms<br>– Ubiquitous systems for HealthCare<br>– Biologically Inspired Vision Sensors for Machine Vision Applications<br>– Security and Privacy in WSN<br>– The Internet of Things and the Web of Sensors<br>– Devices and Circuits for Semiconductor Magnetic Field Sensors<br>– Sensor applications in Agriculture<br>Please contact the Special Session Chair if you would like to organize a<br>special session.<br>Special Session Program<br>Special sessions consist of six papers as a target number, but a minimum of<br>four and a maximum of eight papers are also acceptable. A special session<br>paper can be a regular paper or an invited paper. Regular special session<br>papers are unsolicited papers submitted by an author. The special session<br>organizer may invite a distinguished researcher to submit an invited paper.<br>Normally, there can be one or at most two such invited papers per special<br>session, unless another agreement is made with the Special Session Chair.<br>Paper Submission Process<br>Authors submit papers for special sessions through the EDAS online<br>submission system, indicating clearly the desired special session. Authors<br>should follow the instructions for regular ICST papers (submitting a pdf file<br>generated from either MS Word or LaTeX, in size A4). The deadline for online<br>paper submission for special sessions is the same as the deadline for regular<br>papers.<br>
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