The CASCON 2014 program will include keynote presentations, technical papers, workshops, a technology showcase, and position papers. The technical papers track will feature both original research papers and experience reports in the general area of software technology and applications, but particularly addressing this year′s theme. The workshops will provide sessions to discuss emerging ideas and results in research and practice. The technology showcase will feature demonstrations and poster presentations of research in progress. Position papers will share visions, highlight technology gaps, and outline emerging advances related to the conference theme. As such, CASCON 2014 will be an excellent venue for presenting original work, exchanging new ideas, sharing results and experiences, as well as for networking with over 1300 researchers and practitioners from academia, industry, and government.<br>(1) Technical Papers<br>Important Dates<br>Friday, June 13, 2014: Abstracts for technical papers<br>Friday, June 20, 2014: Submissions of technical papers<br>Friday, July 25, 2014: Technical papers notification<br>Friday, August 22, 2014: Camera–ready technical papers<br>Theme<br>"Smarter Systems of Interactions"<br>The confluence of technologies such as mobile platforms, social computing, cloud computing, big data, and analytics is bringing fundamental and revolutionary transformations in industry and society. The purposeful interaction, integration, and interoperation of these technologies together will create novel, high–value business capabilities, services, and solutions. This leads to exciting opportunities for the advancement of science and engineering in emerging areas like the Internet of Things, as well as possibilities for new software products and services like never before in commerce, manufacturing, education, healthcare, and government.<br>Research Topics<br>CASCON 2014 invites authors to submit original papers addressing these challenges and others in the broad area of software systems and technologies, including but not limited to the following topics:<br>* Integrated Solution Areas and Applications:<br>smarter city solutions, industrial applications, healthcare solutions, media services<br>* Smarter Systems and Services:<br>smart interactions, context–awareness, personal agents, end–user programming, mash– ups, web interaction frameworks, semantic web, ontologies<br>* Internet of Things:<br>wearable computing, anticipatory computing, quantified self, gamification, personal analytics, smart devices, integration and connectivity, machine–to–machine platforms, embedded sensors, monitoring and control, security<br>* Software as a Service:<br>systematic business and computing models, large–scale system integration, economic and societal issues, legal and privacy concerns<br>* Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing:<br>mobile application platforms, mobile web, write once run anywhere, mobile application security, mobile application management<br>* Social Computing:<br>collaboration environments, social analytics, interaction patterns, human–computer interaction<br>* Cloud Computing and Infrastructure:<br>cloud platforms and frameworks, self–managed systems, adaptive systems, virtualization<br>* Big Data and Databases of the Future:<br>big data, data integration, data warehouses, integrated data management, database technology, text data, stream data, XML, linked data, query processing and optimization<br>* Business Intelligence and Analytics:<br>predictive analytics, text analytics, risk analytics, intelligent search, data mining, knowledge discovery, information visualization, OLAP<br>* Software Processes and Tools:<br>agile methods, collaboration and awareness, open source, compilers and interpreters, scripting languages, development environments, service–oriented programming, distributed systems, ultra–large scale software systems<br>* Software Analysis and Modelling:<br>software analysis, mining software repositories, program comprehension, software testing, model checking, metrics<br>* Dynamic Business Processes:<br>business process modeling, service–oriented architecture, REST services<br>* Energy Aware Computing:<br>energy–aware platform architecture, energy–aware development tools, energy–aware resource management<br>* Next Generation Systems:<br>multi–core systems, stream processing systems, graphical processing systems, FPGA<br>
Deadline Paper
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