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ISPA&#8211;14 is particularly interested in research addressing parallel workloads, tools and methodologies to improve the quality of parallel programming&#046; We are also seeking work that exploit synergy between parallel programming models and emerging architectures and infrastructures&#046; Specific topics of interest include (but are not limited to):<br>Parallel and Distributed Algorithms, and Applications<br>High&#8211;performance scientific and engineering computing<br>Building block processors: FPGA, multicore, GPU, SoC<br>Architectures and Virtualization<br>Middleware and tools<br>Network and pervasive computing<br>Performance simulations, measurement, and evaluations<br>Reliability, fault tolerance, and security<br>Database, data mining, and data management<br>Virtualization techniques, tools, and applications<br>Parallel/distributed system architectures<br>Tools/environments for parallel/distributed software development<br>Novel parallel programming paradigms<br>Code generation and optimization<br>Compilers for parallel computers<br>Distributed systems and applications<br>Wireless networks, mobile, and pervasive computing<br>Energy management and power optimization<br>Green Computing and Energy&#8211;aware computing<br>Grid and cluster computing<br>Scientific cloud systems and services<br>Programming models for cloud services and applications<br>Internet computing and web services<br>Data intensive applications and Internet&#8211;Of&#8211;Things<br>IoT and Ubiquitous computing: application scenarios<br>Data storage and big data<br>Experience with computational applications, workflow applications, data&#8211;intensive applications<br>Scheduling and resource management<br>Multi&#8211;clouds environments, cloud federation, interoperability<br>