call for book chapters
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A book edited by Mourad Fakhfakh (University of Sfax, Tunisia), Esteban Tlelo&#8211;Cuautle (INAOE, Mexico), and Patrick Siarry (University of Paris&#8211;Est Créteil, France)<br>To be published by SPRINGER<br>Objective of the Book:<br>The book will collect recent advances in computational intelligence, such as algorithms, design methods and techniques, and tools focused on the design automation of integrated circuits and systems&#046; The goal is devoted to highlight new biasing and sizing approaches and optimization techniques, and will highlight their application to the design of high performance digital, analog, VLSI, radio&#8211;frequency and mixed&#8211;signal circuits and systems&#046;<br>Recommended topics include, but are not limited to, the following:<br>&#8211; Computational intelligence in EDA,<br>&#8211; Memetic, multi&#8211;meme and hybrid algorithms in the design automation of circuits and systems,<br>&#8211; Theory and applications of evolutionary algorithms in the digital, AMS/RF circuit design and synthesis,<br>&#8211; Swarm intelligence in the design and synthesis of electronic circuits,<br>&#8211; Application of heuristics, metaheuristics and hyperheuristics to VLSI design,<br>&#8211; Reliability and performance optimization for digital, analog, mixed&#8211;signal, and RF circuits,<br>&#8211; Recent advances in optimization tools and methodologies for CAD,<br>&#8211; Equation&#8211;based and simulation&#8211;based optimization techniques,<br>&#8211; Applications of computational intelligence in the Yield optimization, design centering, and design trade&#8211;offs of integrated circuits,<br>&#8211; Optimization of IP integration,<br>Advanced system&#8211;on&#8211;chip optimization,<br>&#8211; System&#8211;level energy optimization of HW embedded systems,<br>&#8211; System&#8211;level trade&#8211;off analysis and multi&#8211;objective (yield, power, delay, area …) optimization,<br>&#8211; Technology&#8211;independent/technology&#8211;aware optimization,<br>&#8211; Cell&#8211;library design and optimization,<br>&#8211; Post&#8211;placement optimization,<br>&#8211; Cell&#8211;library design optimization,<br>&#8211; Power, thermal and leakage optimization,<br>&#8211; Neural and bio&#8211;inspired techniques applied in the related domains,<br>&#8211; Optimization for new electronics and applications&#046;<br>