The 9th International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications( (WASA 2014) will be held in the city of Harbin, Heilongjiang, China during June 23–25, 2014. WASA is an international conference on algorithms, systems, and applications of wireless networks. It is motivated by the recent advances in cutting–edge electronic and computer technologies that have paved the way for the proliferation of ubiquitous infrastructure and infrastructureless wireless networks. WASA is designed to be a forum for theoreticians, system and application designers, protocol developers and practitioners to discuss and express their views on the current trends, challenges, and state–of–the–art solutions related to various issues in wireless networks.<br>Extended versions of most selected papers from the conference will be published in the special issues of Journal of Combinatorial Optimization (SCI), International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks (SCI), and Computational Social Networks, respectively.<br>The program topics include but not limited to:<br>Cognitive Radio Networks, Software–defined radio, reconfigurable radio networks<br>Cyber–physical systems including intelligent transportation systems and smart healthcare systems<br>Theoretical frameworks of fundamental cross–layer protocol and network design and performance issues<br>Distributed and localized algorithm design and analysis<br>Information and Coding theory for Wireless Networks<br>Localization<br>Mobility models and mobile social networking<br>Mobile cloud computing<br>Topology control and coverage<br>Security and privacy<br>Underwater and underground Networks<br>Vehicular networks<br>Radar and Sonar Networks<br>PHY/MAC/Routing protocols<br>Information processing and data management<br>Programmable service interfaces<br>Energy–efficient algorithms, systems and protocol design<br>Operating system and middleware support<br>Pervasive and ubiquitous computing<br>Local area and personal wireless networks<br>Applications, design, and performance of wireless ad hoc and sensor networks<br>Delay/disruption tolerant networks<br>Experimental testbeds, models and case studies<br>
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