he EUC–14 conference will provide a forum for engineers and scientists in academia, industry, and government to address all challenges including technical, safety, social, and legal issues related to embedded and ubiquitous computing and to present and discuss their ideas, results, work–in–progress and experience on all aspects of embedded and ubiquitous computing. Topics of particular interest include, but are not limited to:<br>Hardware architectures for embedded and ubiquitous computing<br>Operating systems services for embedded systems.<br>Efficient hardware implementation for ubiquitous algorithms/computing<br>Architectures for low–power wireless communication<br>Application–specific processors and systems for ubiquitous computing<br>Prototyping and simulation of ubiquitous and embedded applications<br>Hardware support for collaborative ubiquitous applications<br>Software for embedded and ubiquitous computing<br>Programming paradigms, languages, aspects of modeling and specification<br>Software architectures and design methodologies, including compilers, memory management, virtual machines, scheduling, operating systems, middleware, and code generation<br>Modeling, analysis, and optimization of non–functional and performance aspects such as timing, memory usage, energy, QoS, and reliability<br>Scheduling, execution time analysis, timing aspects, and real–time support<br>Hardware/Software co–design and design automation<br>Simulation and validation of mixed Hardware/Software systems<br>Model based design of heterogeneous systems<br>Formal methods and verification<br>Partitioning and Hardware/Software interaction<br>Power– and Thermal–Aware Design<br>Automation for Logic and System–level Synthesis<br>Self–adaptive and reconfigurable computing<br>Reconfigurable Architectures<br>Novel applications for Reconfigurable Computing<br>Reconfiguration Management techniques<br>Self–Adaptive and Self–Healing Systems<br>Programming Models and Design Methodologies for Reconfigurable Computing<br>Applications for embedded and ubiquitous computing<br>Real–time and critical applications for embedded systems<br>Information systems and data management for embedded systems<br>Multimedia and consumer electronics applications<br>Transportation application: automotive, avionics, etc.<br>Cloud Computing for mobile systems<br>Intelligent sensors<br>Smart mobile systems and social media<br>smart mobile systems<br>mobile and social media applications<br>wearable computing<br>cyber physical systems<br>big data analytics<br>Power–aware computing<br>Near–Threshold Voltage (NTV) and Sub–Threshold Voltage (SUBVT) circuits<br>Power–aware embedded architectures (e.g. sensor network, multi–core architectures)<br>Power–aware system software and application design<br>CAD tools and methodologies for low–power and thermal–aware designs<br>Non conventional low–power computing paradigms (e.g. brain–inspired)<br>Security for distributed systems<br>Operating systems security; Human–computer interaction security and privacy<br>Malicious software analysis and detection<br>Detection, analysis, and prevention of distributed attacks<br>Anti–fraud techniques; security of mobile devices<br>Integrating security in Internet protocols: routing, naming, network management<br>Security for emerging technologies: sensor/wireless/mobile/personal<br>Security for future home networks, internet of things, body–area networks<br>Security for large–scale systems and critical infrastructures (electronic voting, smart grid)<br>Security of Web–based applications and services<br>Fault tolerance and reliability/dependability<br>Fault–tolerant systems: Reconfigurable systems, application– and domain–specific systems, Systems–on–Chip, Networks–on–Chip, and memory subsystems<br>Fault–tolerant runtime system management and variability or aging aware monitoring<br>Fault–tolerant, variability or aging aware design<br>Modeling and characterization of defects, faults and degradation mechanisms<br>Test and diagnosis techniques<br>Distributed systems and smart sensing<br>Wireless sensor networks<br>Body area networks<br>Distributed sensing and sensor fusion<br>Distributed computing on embedded devices<br>Pervasive and ubiquitous computing<br>
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