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Cluster 2014 is hosted in Madrid, Spain&#046; Attendees will have access to the latest developments in cluster computing technologies and practices&#046; Join the cluster computing community, and discuss new directions, opportunities, and ideas that will influence its future&#046; Cluster 2014 welcomes paper submissions on innovative work from researchers and practitioners in academia, government, and industry that describe original research and development efforts in cluster computing&#046;<br>All papers will be evaluated for their originality, technical depth and correctness, potential impact, relevance to the conference, and quality of presentation&#046; Research papers must clearly demonstrate research contributions and novelty, while experience reports must clearly describe lessons learned and demonstrate impact&#046;<br>Major topics of interest include, but are not limited to:<br>Track 1: Cluster Design, Configuration and Administration<br>Chair: Michela Taufer, University of Delaware, USA<br>Cluster Architecture for Big Data storage and processing<br>Energy&#8211;efficient cluster architectures<br>Node and system architecture<br>Packaging, power and cooling<br>Visualization clusters and tiled displays<br>GPU and hybrid CPU/GPU clusters<br>Interconnect/memory architectures<br>Single system image clusters<br>Administration and maintenance tools<br>Track 2: Cluster Software, Middleware, Tools<br>Chair: Alexandru Iosup, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands<br>Middleware for Big Data management<br>Big Data visualization tools<br>Performance modeling for Big Data processing<br>Performance evaluation, analysis and optimization<br>Cloud&#8211;enabling cluster technologies and virtualization<br>Energy&#8211;efficient middleware<br>Protocols, libraries, and interfaces<br>Lightweight communication protocols<br>Security<br>Resource and job management<br>Scheduling and load balancing<br>Reliability and high&#8211;availability architecture<br>Fault tolerance, checkpointing and recovery<br>Cost and performance implications of reliability<br>Software environments and tools<br>Track 3: Cluster Storage and File Systems<br>Chair: Michael Schöttner, University of Düsseldorf, Germany<br>Cluster support for Big Data processing<br>Cloud storage for Big Data<br>Storage support for Data&#8211;intensive computing<br>Storage cluster architectures<br>File systems and I/O libraries<br>Track 4: Cluster Applications<br>Chair: Venkat Vishwanath, Argonne National Laboratory, USA<br>Programming models for Big Data processing<br>Big Data Application studies on cluster architectures<br>HPC Applications on GPUs<br>Programming languages and environments<br>Hybrid programming techniques (MPI+OpenMP, MPI+OpenCL, etc&#046;)<br>Benchmarking &amp; profiling tools<br>Performance prediction &amp; modeling<br>