San Jose
United States
Deadline Paper
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End Date

SPIN 2014 is co&#8211;located with International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA 2014)&#046; SPIN and ISSTA will hold joint sessions on July 23rd and ISSTA will continue until July 25&#046;<br>Aim and Scope:<br>The SPIN Symposium is a forum for practitioners and researchers interested in software verification and engineering&#046; There are two tracks for paper submissions&#046;<br>Software Verification Track: Theoretical techniques, novel algorithms and empirical evaluation for state&#8211;space exploration based techniques&#046; We welcome submissions describing the development and application of state space exploration techniques in testing and verifying embedded software, mobile platforms, security&#8211;critical software, enterprise and web applications, and other interesting software platforms&#046;<br>Software Engineering Track: Techniques and approaches that extend or leverage existing state&#8211;space exploration based techniques such as model checking and symbolic execution to assist in automating software engineering tasks such as design, implementation, analysis, testing, and maintenance of software systems&#046;<br>