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<pre>The ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM) is the premier conference for research results related to empirical software engineering&#046; These include discussions of: i) empirical assessment of strengths and weaknesses of software engineering technologies and methods; ii) design and analysis of empirical studies, ranging from controlled experiments to case studies and from quantitative to qualitative studies; and iii) the use of data and measurement to understand, evaluate, and model software engineering phenomena&#046; ESEM provides a stimulating forum where researchers and practitioners can present and discuss recent research results on a wide range of topics, in addition to also exchanging ideas, experiences and challenging problems&#046; The symposium encourages the presentation of both novel work and replication studies&#046; Papers are rigorously reviewed by leading international experts and the full paper acceptance rate is competitive&#046;<br>The relevant topics include, but are not restricted to, the following: &#8211; New ideas pertaining to measurement, evaluation, comparison and development of empirical software methods &#8211; Qualitative methods &#8211; Infrastructures and novel techniques for conducting empirical studies &#8211; Families of experiments &#8211; Replication of empirical studies &#8211; Cross&#8211; and multi&#8211;disciplinary methods and studies &#8211; Systematic literature reviews &#8211; Aggregation, synthesis and meta&#8211;analysis of studies &#8211; Empirical studies of software processes and products &#8211; Industrial experience, case studies and action&#8211;research &#8211; Evaluation and comparison of techniques and models &#8211; Reports on the benefits / costs associated with using certain technologies &#8211; Empirically&#8211;based decision making &#8211; Development and evaluation of empirical prediction systems or software estimation models &#8211; Data mining and empirical methods &#8211; Quality measurement and assurance &#8211; Simulation&#8211;based studies in software engineering &#8211; Software project experience and knowledge management &#8211; Software technology transfer to the industry &#8211; Measurement and process improvement programs<br></pre>