You are invited to submit a paper for consideration. All accepted papers<br>will be published in printed conference books/proceedings (ISBN) and will<br>also be made available online. The proceedings will be indexed in science<br>citation databases that track citation frequency/data for each paper. In<br>addition, like prior years, extended versions of selected papers (about<br>35%) will appear in journals and edited research books (publishers include:<br>Springer, Elsevier, BMC, and others). See the following links for a small<br>subset of the publications based on the accepted papers of the federated<br>congress that PDPTA is part of; some of these books and journal special<br>issues have already received the top 25% downloads in their respective fields.<br>PDPTA′14 is composed of a number of tracks, including: tutorials,<br>sessions, workshops, posters, and panel discussions. The conference will<br>be held July 21–24, 2014, Las Vegas, USA.<br>SCOPE: Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:<br>o Big Data and High–Performance Computing:<br>Novel computational methodologies, HPC and scalable algorithms for<br>enhancing data quality, models and frameworks for Big Data, graph<br>algorithms, computational science, computational intelligence,<br>Scalable systems and architectures for Big Data, ...<br>o Parallel/Distributed Applications:<br>Numerical computations/methods, neural networks and fuzzy logic,<br>medicine, remote sensing, computer vision, computer graphics and<br>virtual reality, parallel/distributed databases, banking, financial<br>markets, high–performance computational biology, ...<br>o Parallel/Distributed Architectures:<br>Clusters and parallel systems of various topologies, supercomputers,<br>shared memory, distributed memory, general– and special–purpose<br>architectures, instructional level parallelism, ...<br>o Networks and Interconnection Networks:<br>Scalable networks, reconfigurable networks, routing issues,<br>general–purpose network performance for distributed applications,<br>network protocols, internet technology, optical interconnections and<br>computing, novel network topologies, ...<br>o Energy/power–aware Computing:<br>Energy–aware resource management, green computing, energy efficiency<br>planning, energy–aware technologies, low power virtualization and<br>software techniques, low power logic/circuit/process technology<br>design, methods and tools for forecasting, estimating, and validating<br>power use, ...<br>o Reliability and Fault–tolerance:<br>Software and hardware fault–tolerance (system– and application–level),<br>fault diagnosis, fault–tolerance measurement.<br>o Building Block Processors:<br>Applications of processors that can be used as basic building blocks<br>for multicomputer systems.<br>o Real–time and Embedded Systems:<br>Small–scale parallel systems for high–performance control, data<br>acquisition, and analysis; configuration, routing, scheduling,<br>performance guarantees, ...<br>o Parallel/Distributed Algorithms:<br>Algorithms exploiting clusters and general–purpose distributed and<br>parallel systems, new vector/pipeline issues, shared memory, distributed<br>memory, virtual memory, ...<br>o Multimedia Communications, Systems, and Applications:<br>High–speed networking, multimedia architectures and protocols,<br>multimedia applications, quality of service support, operating system<br>and networking support, internet tools and applications, audio/video<br>delivery over the internet, ...<br>o Software Tools and Environments for Parallel and Distributed Platforms:<br>Operating systems, compilers, languages, debuggers, monitoring tools,<br>software engineering on parallel/distributed systems, ...<br>o High–performance Computing in Computational Science:<br>Intra–disciplinary and multi–disciplinary research programs and<br>applications.<br>o Performance Evaluation and Management of Wireless Networks and<br>Distributed Systems.<br>o FPGA–based Design.<br>o Performance Analysis, Evaluation, Prediction, ...<br>o Nanotechnology in HPC.<br>o High–performance Mobile Computation and Communication.<br>o Object Oriented Technology and Related Issues.<br>o Scheduling and Resource Management.<br>o Petri Nets: Theory, Analysis, Tools and Applications.<br>o Web–based Simulation and Computing.<br>o Cloud Computing.<br>o Other Aspects and Applications relating to High–Performance Computations.<br>o Emerging Technologies.<br>
Las Vegas
United States
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