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ICOST is considered a premier venue for the presentation and discussion of research in the design, development, deployment and evaluation of Smart Environments, Assistive Technologies and Health Telematics systems&#046; The conference aims to bring together stakeholders from clinical, academic and industrial perspectives and along with end users and caregivers to explore how Smart Homes, Assistive Technologies and Health Telematics can foster independent living and offer an enhanced quality of life for persons of all ages with cognitive impairments&#046;<br>Each year, ICOST has a specific theme&#046; The theme chosen for 2014 will focus on the &#8242;inclusiveness&#8242; of solutions and technologies to enable the support of persons of all ages with acquired or congenital cognitive impairments&#046; ICOST 2014 is especially interested in receiving submissions, focused on advancing technologies for seniors with dementia; children and adults with congenital or acquired cognitive impairments&#046;<br>ICOST 2014 invites participants to present and discuss their experiences in the design, development, deployment and evaluation of technologies that demonstrate significant contributions in the areas of smart homes, health telematics and assistive technologies focused on cognitive impairments&#046; ICOST 2014 will provide a dynamic program which will incorporate a range of technical, clinical and industrial related keynote speakers, oral and poster presentations along with demonstrations and technical exhibits&#046; Conference topics of interest include, but are not limited to:<br>&#8211; ICT/IT<br>&#8211; Intelligent Environments / Smart Homes<br>&#8211; Medical Data Collection and Processing<br>&#8211; Human&#8211;Machine Interface / Ambient Intelligence<br>&#8211; Modelling of Physical and Conceptual Information in Intelligent Environments<br>&#8211; Cognitive Technologies across the lifespan and functional abilities<br>&#8211; Tele&#8211;Assistance and Tele&#8211;Rehabilitation<br>&#8211; Personal Robotics and Smart Wheelchairs<br>&#8211; Context Awareness / Autonomous Computing<br>&#8211; Home Networks / Residential Gateways<br>&#8211; Wearable Sensors / Integrated Micro/Nano Systems / Home Health Monitoring<br>&#8211; Social / Privacy / Security Issues<br>&#8211; Middleware Support for Smart Home and Health Telematic Services<br>&#8211; Health Technology Assessment and Impact Analysis<br>&#8211; Policy and Guidelines for Health 2&#046;0<br>&#8211; Service Model Best practices<br>&#8211; Human Factors and Usability for Persons with Cognitive Impairments, including seniors and persons with disabilities of all ages<br>Papers or special sessions addressing the following topics are especially welcome:<br>&#8211; Studies detailing large scale service deployment and impact evaluation<br>&#8211; The application of cost effective and readily available &#8242;everyday&#8242; technologies to support &#8211;elders and others with cognitive disabilities at home, school, work or play<br>&#8211; Health economic evaluation of technology based solutions<br>&#8211; Challenges for truly ‘smart living environments and inclusive communities<br>&#8211; Technology solutions to inspire policy makers<br>