Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:<br>Software testing: automation, conformance, strategies, tools, standards, economics, performance and robustness, processes and standards<br>Software quality: management and assurance, measurement and benchmarking, review, inspection and walkthrough, reliability, safety and security<br>Methods and tools: design tools, testing tools, information systems engineering, quality tools<br>Evaluation of software products and components: static and dynamic analysis, validation and verification<br>Information and knowledge management: economics of software quality, knowledge engineering<br>Formal methods: program analysis, model checking, model construction, formal process models<br>Component software and reuse: requirements engineering, software architecture, middleware and application servers, reflective systems<br>Emerging technology: pervasive computing, service–oriented computing, cloud computing, intelligent systems<br>Applications: component–based systems, digital libraries, distributed systems, e–commerce, embedded systems, enterprise applications, information systems, multimedia, Web–based systems, safety critical systems<br>
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