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ASE 2014 invites high quality contributions describing significant,<br>original, and unpublished results&#046;<br>Solicited topics include, but are not limited to:<br>o Automated reasoning techniques<br>o Open systems development<br>o Component&#8211;based systems<br>o Product line methods<br>o Computer&#8211;supported cooperative work<br>o Program understanding<br>o Configuration management<br>o Program synthesis<br>o Data mining for software engineering<br>o Program transformation<br>o Domain modeling and meta&#8211;modeling<br>o Re&#8211;engineering<br>o Empirical software engineering<br>o Requirements engineering<br>o Human&#8211;computer interaction<br>o Specification languages<br>o Knowledge acquisition and management<br>o Software analysis<br>o Maintenance and evolution<br>o Software architecture and design<br>o Testing, verification, and validation<br>o Model&#8211;based software development<br>o Software visualization<br>o Model transformation<br>o Model&#8211;driven engineering<br>o Modeling language semantics<br>Three categories of submissions are solicited:<br>1&#046; Technical Research Papers should describe innovative research in<br>automating software development activities or automated support to users<br>engaged in such activities&#046; They should describe a novel contribution to<br>the field and should carefully support claims of novelty with citations<br>to the relevant literature&#046; Where a submission builds upon previous work<br>of the author(s), the novelty of the new contribution must be clearly<br>described with respect to the previous work&#046; Papers should also clearly<br>discuss how the results were validated&#046;<br>2&#046; Experience Papers should describe a significant experience in<br>applying automated software engineering technology and should carefully<br>identify and discuss important lessons learned so that other researchers<br>and/or practitioners can benefit from the experience&#046; Of special<br>interest are experience papers that report on industrial applications of<br>automated software engineering&#046;<br>3&#046; New Ideas Papers should describe novel research directions in<br>automating software development activities or automated support to users<br>engaged in such activities&#046; New ideas submissions are intended to<br>describe well&#8211; defined research ideas that are at an early stage of<br>investigation and may not be fully validated&#046;<br>