San Francisco
United States
Deadline Paper
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End Date

Cyber Physical Systems (CPSs) are increasingly being adopted in a wide range of applicative domains, including the smart grid, building automation, and air traffic control, to name a few&#046; While the widespread adoption of CPSs brings enormous benefits in terms of efficiency and competitiveness, it also introduces new challenges that the research community has to consider&#046; The December 2010 report of the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, “Designing a Digital Future: Federally Funded Research and Development in Networking and Information Technology” calls for continued investment in CPS research because of its scientific and technological importance as well as its potential impact on grand challenges in a number of sectors critical to U&#046;S&#046; security and competitiveness, including energy, aerospace, automotive, civil infrastructure, healthcare, manufacturing, and transportation&#046;<br>The goal of the workshop is to address this critical need by providing researchers and practitioners with an interdisciplinary forum to present, discuss, and exchange ideas that address the challenges of next&#8211;generation Cyber Physical Systems&#046; The expected output of the workshop is to establish the agenda of future research efforts in the field data integration, with specific emphasis on disruptive technologies and holistic approaches for addressing the grand challenges introduced by CPSs&#046; The workshop also aims at creating solid and long&#8211;lasting synergies between researchers and industrial partners from all the disciplines that are relevant to CPSs&#046;<br>