<pre>We often use languages. First, to communicate between ourselves. Later, to communicate with computers. And more recently, with the advent of networks, we found a way to make computers communicate between themselves. All these different forms of communication use languages, different languages, but that still share many similarities. In SLATE we are interested in discussing these languages. SLATE is born from a group of researchers that share the fascination by the way languages work, being them natural or artificial. This group organized over a decade two different conferences: XATA, with interest in XML as the de facto language for computer interaction; and CoRTA, with interest in Compilers and related techniques to understand computer languages. SLATE arrives as the generalization of these two conferences into the abstraction of languages. Being languages such a broad subject, SLATE is organized in three main tracks: 1. HCL Track: Processing Human–Computer Languages The HCL track is where researchers, developers and educators exchange ideas and information on the latest academic or industrial work on language design, processing, assessment and applications. 2. CCL Track: Processing Computer–Computer Languages The CCL track main goal is to provide a broad space for discussion about the XML mark–up language: examples of usage and associated technologies. 3. HHL Track: Processing Human–Human Languages The HHL track is dedicated to the discussion of research projects and ideas involving natural language processing and their industrial application. A detailed topic list for each one of these tracks is presented below. HCL Track: Processing Human–Computer Languages Programming language concepts and methodologies; Language and Grammars, design, formal specification and quality; Design of novel language constructs and their implementation; Domain Specific Languages design and implementation; Programming tools; Programming, refactoring and debugging environments; Dynamic and static analysis: Program Slicing; Program Comprehension; Program Visualization and Animation; Compilation and interpretation techniques; Code generation and optimization; Programming Languages teaching methods; CCL Track: Processing Computer–Computer Languages Semantic Web and Ontologies; Methodologies for specification in XML XML compression, serialization and merging XML Parsing and Querying; XML Structuring XML Transformation XML Security Web Services –– Architectures and Practical Cases Web Technologies and Frameworks XML Libraries and digital repositories E–learning systems, standards and interoperability Serialization languages HHL Track: Processing Human–Human Languages Computational morphology, syntax and semantics; Machine translation and tools for computer assisted translation; Computational terminology and lexicography; Speech synthesis and understanding; Information retrieval, extraction and automatic question answering; Corpora linguistics; NLP system and resource evaluation; Public tools and resources for NLP; Ontologies and knowledge representation; Statistical Methods applied to NLP; Language teaching support tools. </pre>
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