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<pre>We often use languages&#046; First, to communicate between ourselves&#046; Later, to communicate with computers&#046; And more recently, with the advent of networks, we found a way to make computers communicate between themselves&#046; All these different forms of communication use languages, different languages, but that still share many similarities&#046; In SLATE we are interested in discussing these languages&#046; SLATE is born from a group of researchers that share the fascination by the way languages work, being them natural or artificial&#046; This group organized over a decade two different conferences: XATA, with interest in XML as the de facto language for computer interaction; and CoRTA, with interest in Compilers and related techniques to understand computer languages&#046; SLATE arrives as the generalization of these two conferences into the abstraction of languages&#046; Being languages such a broad subject, SLATE is organized in three main tracks: 1&#046; HCL Track: Processing Human&#8211;Computer Languages The HCL track is where researchers, developers and educators exchange ideas and information on the latest academic or industrial work on language design, processing, assessment and applications&#046; 2&#046; CCL Track: Processing Computer&#8211;Computer Languages The CCL track main goal is to provide a broad space for discussion about the XML mark&#8211;up language: examples of usage and associated technologies&#046; 3&#046; HHL Track: Processing Human&#8211;Human Languages The HHL track is dedicated to the discussion of research projects and ideas involving natural language processing and their industrial application&#046; A detailed topic list for each one of these tracks is presented below&#046; HCL Track: Processing Human&#8211;Computer Languages Programming language concepts and methodologies; Language and Grammars, design, formal specification and quality; Design of novel language constructs and their implementation; Domain Specific Languages design and implementation; Programming tools; Programming, refactoring and debugging environments; Dynamic and static analysis: Program Slicing; Program Comprehension; Program Visualization and Animation; Compilation and interpretation techniques; Code generation and optimization; Programming Languages teaching methods; CCL Track: Processing Computer&#8211;Computer Languages Semantic Web and Ontologies; Methodologies for specification in XML XML compression, serialization and merging XML Parsing and Querying; XML Structuring XML Transformation XML Security Web Services &#8211;&#8211; Architectures and Practical Cases Web Technologies and Frameworks XML Libraries and digital repositories E&#8211;learning systems, standards and interoperability Serialization languages HHL Track: Processing Human&#8211;Human Languages Computational morphology, syntax and semantics; Machine translation and tools for computer assisted translation; Computational terminology and lexicography; Speech synthesis and understanding; Information retrieval, extraction and automatic question answering; Corpora linguistics; NLP system and resource evaluation; Public tools and resources for NLP; Ontologies and knowledge representation; Statistical Methods applied to NLP; Language teaching support tools&#046; </pre>