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<pre>SSS is an international forum for researchers and practitioners in the design and development of distributed systems with self&#8211;* properties such as self&#8211; stabilizing, self&#8211;configuring, self&#8211;organizing, self&#8211;managing, self&#8211;repairing, self&#8211;healing, self&#8211;optimizing, self&#8211;adaptive, and self&#8211;protecting&#046; Research in distributed systems is now at a crucial point in its evolution, marked by the importance of dynamic systems such as peer&#8211;to&#8211;peer networks, large&#8211;scale wireless sensor networks, mobile ad hoc networks, robotic networks, opportunistic networks etc&#046; Moreover, new applications such as grid and web services, banking and e&#8211;commerce, e&#8211;health and robotics, aerospace and avionics, automotive, industrial process control, etc&#046; have joined the traditional applications of distributed systems&#046; We particularly encourage the submissions spanning these areas of applications&#046; The conference provides a wide spectrum of topics, covered in the following tracks: * Self&#8211;stabilization * Fault&#8211;tolerant and Dependable Systems * Formal Methods, Safety, and Security * Ad&#8211;hoc, Sensor and Mobile Networks, Cyberphysical Systems * Cloud Computing, P2P, Self&#8211;organizing and Autonomous Systems<br></pre>