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You are cordially invited to submit your recent research work to the ICITEE 2014&#046; Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:<br>Information Technology:<br>Software Engineering, Mobile Computing, Distributed System, Information Systems, Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Artificial Intelligent, Decision Support Systems, Visualization and Computer Graphic, Image Processing, Pattern Recognition, Multimedia Technology, Soft Computing Methods, Information System Security, Social Media, Machine&#8211;to&#8211;Machine (M2M) Applications, Internet of Things, etc<br>Communication and Vehicular Technology:<br>Computer Networking, Telecommunication Systems, Multimedia Communications, Wireless Ad&#8211;hoc and Sensor Networks, Network Security, Cognitive Radio, Cooperative Communications, Radio Resource Management and Optimization, Vehicular Communication Systems, Satellite Communications, Antennas, Propagation and Channel Modeling, Signal Processing for Communications, Spread Spectrum Systems, Ultra Wide Band Technology, Information Theory and Coding Systems, Machine&#8211;to&#8211;Machine (M2M) Communications, etc&#046;<br>Power Systems:<br>Electric Power Generation, Protection, and Conversion, Power System Analysis, Electrical Measurements, High&#8211;Voltage Engineering, High Voltage Insulation Technologies, Power Transmission and Distributions, Electrical Engineering Materials, Electric Motors, Power Electronics, Power Quality, Renewable Energy, Smart Grid, Microgrid, Distributed Generation, Electricity Market, Power System Economics, Energy Storage Systems, Lightning Detection and Protection, Flexible Alternating Current Transmission Systems, SCADA Systems, Electromagnetic Compatibility, Photovoltaic Technology, etc&#046;<br>Electronics, Circuits and Systems:<br>VLSI and Microelectronic Circuit Design, Embedded Systems, System on Chip (SoC) Design, FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) Design and Applications, Electronic Instrumentations, Power Electronics, Electronic Power Converters and Inverters, RF Devices and Circuits, Computer&#8211;Aided–Electronics Design and Technology, Device Material, Manufacturing Technology, Photonic and Optoelectronic Circuits, Digital Signal and Data Processing, Electric Vehicle Technologies, Biomedical Electronics, Biomedical Transducers and Instrumentation, etc&#046;<br>Control Systems:<br>Control Theory and Applications, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Intelligent Control, Optimal Control, Robust Control, Adaptive Control, Linear and Nonlinear Control Systems, Complex Adaptive Systems, Industrial Automation and Control Systems Technology, Control of Infinite Dimensional Systems, Geometric Control Theory and Applications, Process control and instrumentation, Recent Trends in Control Systems, etc&#046;<br>