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The International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO) is the<br>premier forum for the presentation and discussion of<br>new ideas in microarchitecture, compilers, hardware/software interfaces, and design<br>of advanced computing and communication systems&#046; The goal of MICRO<br>is to bring together researchers in the fields of microarchitecture,<br>compilers, and systems for technical exchange&#046; The MICRO community<br>has enjoyed having close interaction between academic researchers and<br>industrial designers – we aim to continue and strengthen this<br>longstanding tradition at the 47th MICRO in Cambridge, England&#046;<br>We invite original paper submissions on a broad range of topics,<br>including (but not limited to):<br>Processor, memory, interconnect, and storage architectures<br>Instruction, data, and thread &#8211;­‐ level parallelism<br>Advanced software/hardware speculation and prediction schemes<br>Power and energy &#8211;&#8211;­ efficient architectures<br>Secure, resilient, fault &#8211;­‐ tolerant and predictable architectures<br>Architectural support for system software and compilation<br>Architectural support for programmer productivity<br>Dynamic optimization, emulation, and object code translation<br>Architecture modelling and simulation methodology<br>Analysis of real systems and emerging workloads<br>Effect of circuits and technology on architecture<br>Architectures for emerging technologies and applications<br>Application specific, reconfigurable, and embedded architectures<br>GPU architectures and compilers<br>Low &#8211;­‐ energy server systems and datacenter &#8211;­‐ scale computing<br>Architectures for handheld and mobile systems<br>Heterogeneous system architectures<br>Accelerator architectures<br>