Cyber Physical Systems
CRC Press
United States
Deadline Paper
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After successful deployment of Internet and wireless networks (cellular and Wi&#8211;Fi networks) over the past decades, we already have ubiquitous services that provide anywhere, anytime connectivity to the users&#046; Technology has gone through tremendous changes in terms of computing, communications and control to provide wide range of applications in all domains&#046; This advancement provides the opportunities to bridge the physical components and the cyber space leading to the Cyber Physical Systems (CPS)&#046; The notion of CPS is to use computing (sensing, analyzing, predicting, understanding), communication (interaction, intervene, interface management) and control (inter&#8211;operate, evolve, evidence&#8211;based certification) to make intelligent and autonomous systems&#046; Thus, advances made as well as complexity have increased due to the integration of cyber components with physical systems&#046; Comprehensive knowledge base of CPS domain is required not only for researchers and practitioners, but also for policy makers and system managers&#046; The process of building a knowledge&#8211;base for cyber physical systems is possible through the creation of a comprehensive collection of research and trends on the topic&#046; Unfortunately, such a collection of research on CPS does not exist&#046; The forthcoming book “Cyber Physical Systems: From Theory to Practice” will address significant issues in the field&#046;<br>The objective of this book is to provide (a medium for researchers and practitioners to present) state&#8211;of&#8211;the&#8211;art of research results and trends related to Science of Cyber&#8211;Physical Systems, Technology for Cyber&#8211;Physical Systems, and Engineering of Cyber&#8211;Physical Systems from theory to practice&#046;<br>Topics of interest (but are not limited to):<br>&#8211; Cyber Physical Systems: Architecture<br>&#8211; Cyber Physical Systems: Modeling and Simulation<br>&#8211; Virtualization of Physical Components in Cyber Physical Systems<br>&#8211; Computing and Control in Cyber&#8211;Physical Systems<br>&#8211; Design and Performance Optimization in Cyber Physical Systems<br>&#8211; Cloud&#8211;assisted Situation&#8211;aware and decision support in Cyber Physical Systems<br>&#8211; Big&#8211;data Processing and Visualization in Cyber&#8211;Physical Systems<br>&#8211; Mobile Cyber&#8211;Physical Systems<br>&#8211; Game Theory for Cyber Physical Systems<br>&#8211; Tools and Methods for Cyber&#8211;Physical Systems<br>&#8211; Sensor&#8211;actuator Networks<br>&#8211; Internet of Things (IoT)<br>&#8211; Machine&#8211;to&#8211;machine (M2M) Communication<br>&#8211; Cyber&#8211;Physical System Security and Privacy<br>&#8211; Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks for Cyber Physical Systems<br>&#8211; Cyber Physical Systems for Smart Grid<br>&#8211; Intelligent (Road/Air) Transportation Cyber Physical Systems<br>&#8211; Cyber Physical Systems for Health Care<br>&#8211; Cyber Physical Systems: Tools, test beds and deployment issues<br>&#8211; Cyber Physical Systems: Applications and standardization<br>&#8211; Intrusion Detection System/Intrusion Prevention System<br>&#8211; Standardization, Applications and Case Studies<br>