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2014 the 12th IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing will be held in HangZhou, China on Oct&#046;19&#8211;23, 2014&#046; It will include sessions on all aspects of theory, design and applications of signal processing&#046; Prospective authors are invited to propose papers in any of the following areas, but not limited to:<br>A&#046; Digital Signal Processing (DSP)<br>B&#046; Spectrum Estimation &amp; Modeling<br>C&#046; TF Spectrum Analysis &amp; Wavelet<br>D&#046; Higher Order Spectral Analysis<br>E&#046; Adaptive Filtering &amp;SP<br>F&#046; Array Signal Processing<br>G&#046; Hardware Implementation for Signal Processing<br>H Speech and Audio Coding<br>I&#046; Speech Synthesis &amp; Recognition<br>J&#046; Image Processing &amp; Understanding<br>K&#046; PDE for Image Processing<br>L&#046;Video compression &amp;Streaming<br>M&#046; Computer Vision &amp; VR<br>N&#046; Multimedia &amp; Human&#8211;computer Interaction<br>O&#046; Statistic Learning &amp; Pattern Recognition<br>P&#046; AI &amp; Neural Networks<br>Q&#046; Communication Signal processing<br>R&#046; SP for Internet and Wireless Communications<br>S&#046; Biometrics &amp; Authentification<br>T&#046; SP for Bio&#8211;medical &amp; Cognitive Science<br>U&#046; SP for Bio&#8211;informatics<br>V&#046; Signal Processing for Security<br>W &#046; Radar Signal Processing<br>X&#046; Sonar Signal Processing and Localization<br>Y&#046; SP for Sensor Networks<br>Z&#046; Application &amp; Others<br>