Mountain View
United States
Deadline Paper
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Hot Interconnects is the premier international forum for researchers and developers of state&#8211;of&#8211;the&#8211;art hardware and software architectures and implementations for interconnection networks of all scales, ranging from multi&#8211;core on&#8211;chip interconnects to those within systems, clusters, datacenters and Clouds&#046; This yearly conference is attended by leaders in industry and academia&#046; The atmosphere provides for a wealth of opportunities to interact with individuals at the forefront of this field&#046;<br>Themes include cross&#8211;cutting issues spanning computer systems, networking technologies, and communication protocols for high&#8211;performance interconnection networks&#046; This conference is directed particularly at new and exciting technology and product innovations in these areas&#046; Contributions should focus on real experimental systems, prototypes, or leading&#8211;edge products and their performance evaluation&#046; In addition to those subscribing to the main theme of the conference, contributions are also solicited in the topics listed below&#046;<br>Building on last year&#8242;s successful technical program, keynotes, sessions, and panels on datacenter networking and their requirements, and solutions, in 2014 Hot Interconnects moves to the Google Headquarters, Mountain View, CA for the conference&#046; This year&#8242;s conference focuses on data&#8211;center, virtualized, and cloud networking&#046; We hope you can join us there&#046;<br>Themes<br>Novel and innovative interconnect architectures<br>Multi&#8211;core processor interconnects<br>System&#8211;on&#8211;Chip Interconnects<br>Advanced chip&#8211;to&#8211;chip communication technologies<br>Optical interconnects<br>Protocols and interfaces for inter&#8211;processor communication<br>Survivability and fault&#8211;tolerance of interconnects<br>High&#8211;speed packet processing engines and network processors<br>System and storage area network architectures and protocols<br>High&#8211;performance host&#8211;network interface architectures<br>High&#8211;bandwidth and low&#8211;latency I/O<br>Pb/s switching and routing technologies<br>Innovative architectures for supporting collective communication<br>Novel communication architectures to support cloud computing<br>Centralized and distributed cloud interconnects<br>Requirements driving high&#8211;performance interconnects<br>Traffic characterization for HPC systems and commercial datacenters<br>Software for Network/Fabric Bring&#8211;up, Configuration and Performance<br>Management, e&#046;g&#046;, OpenFlow or OpenSM<br>Data Center networking<br>