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The ACM UbiComp International Workshop on Smart Health Systems and Applications is a forum for researchers and developers from academia and industry in the area of smart health to present results and discuss ways to advance the field&#046; The workshop will focus on wireless, connected, and mobile health research as a multidisciplinary area spanning computer science and engineering, electrical engineering, biomedical engineering, nursing, medicine, and public health&#046; The workshop will include presentations of theoretical and experimental research, prototyping efforts, case studies and advances in technology related to smart health systems, applications, and services&#046; In addition to traditional topics in this area, the workshop features a special focus on scalable smart health&#046; This topic area aims to discuss and present innovations that address challenges associated with large&#8211;scale adoption of smart health technologies in end&#8211;user settings and uncontrolled environments&#046;<br>Smart health inherently integrates ideas, tools, and expertise from a variety of disciplines&#046; We would like to facilitate discussions between researchers with diverse perspectives in order to more greatly enhance future work in the area&#046; We seek papers presenting significant and novel research results on emerging smart health systems&#046; We especially encourage submissions that present novel device design, system development, algorithm design, experimentation, field studies, and creative use of technologies in addressing healthcare challenges&#046; We invite submissions on a wide range of smart health research including but not limited to:<br>DEVICES, SYSTEMS &amp; INFRASTRUCTURES FOR SMART HEALTH<br>* Medical device prototypes for diagnosis/prevention<br>* Wearable and implantable sensors<br>* Disposable and cost&#8211;effective electronics<br>* Systems for health promotion and disease prevention<br>* Body sensor networks<br>* Smart environments for health<br>* Remote patient monitoring<br>* Mobile health technologies<br>* Data management<br>* Interface with health information systems such as electronic health records<br>ALGORITHMS &amp; SOFTWARE FOR SMART HEALTH<br>* Signal processing and pattern recognition<br>* Machine learning and clinical decision support<br>* Health informatics<br>* Algorithms for security and safety<br>* Communication protocols and algorithms<br>* Context&#8211;Aware Sensing<br>* Algorithms for anomaly detection<br>* Human&#8211;computer interaction<br>SCALABLE SMART HEALTH<br>* Reliability, security, and data uncertainty challenges<br>* Data collection in the wild<br>* Collecting ground truth data in unstructured environments<br>* Approaches for deployment and validation of smart health systems in the wild<br>* Models for benchmarking and validation<br>* Patient&#8211;centered design approaches<br>* Interoperability of smart health technologies and existing medical data systems<br>* Techniques to enhance compliance<br>* Models to assess impact of the technology on healthcare cost<br>* Novel applications of smart health in chronic diseases management<br>* Clinical studies and field validation techniques<br>* Novel experimental testbeds<br>* Algorithms and frameworks for seamless sensing<br>