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Information and communication technology (ICT) pervades every aspect<br>of our daily lives&#046; This inclusion changes our communities and all of<br>our human interactions&#046; It also presents a significant set of challenges<br>in correctly designing and integrating our resulting technical systems&#046;<br>For instance, the embedding of ICT functionality in more and more<br>devices (such as household appliances or thermostats) leads to novel<br>interconnections and a changing structure of the overall system&#046; Not<br>only technical systems are increasingly coupled, a variety of previously<br>isolated natural and human systems have consolidated into a kind of<br>overall system of systems – an interwoven system structure&#046;<br>This change of structure is fundamental and affects the whole production<br>cycle of technical systems – standard system integration and testing is<br>not feasible any more&#046; The increasingly complex challenges of developing<br>the right type of modelling, analysis, and infrastructure for designing<br>and maintaining ICT infrastructures has continued to motivate the SASO<br>community&#046; In this workshop, we intend to study novel approaches to<br>system of system integration and testing by applying SASO principles;<br>specifically we want approaches that allow for a continual process of<br>self&#8211;integration among components and systems that is self&#8211;improving and<br>evolving over time towards an optimised and stable solution&#046;<br>Although research in self&#8211;organising systems – such as the Organic<br>Computing (OC) and Autonomic Computing (AC) initiatives – has seen an<br>exciting decade of development, in which there has been considerable<br>success in building individual systems, OC/AC is faced with the difficult<br>challenge of integrating multiple self&#8211;organising systems, and integrating<br>self&#8211;organising systems with traditionally engineered ones as well as<br>naturally occurring human organisations&#046; Meanwhile, although there has<br>been important development in system of systems methodologies (e&#046;g&#046;,<br>Service&#8211;oriented Architectures, clouds technology etc&#046;), many of these<br>developments lack scalable methods for rapidly proving that new<br>configurations of components/subsystems are correctly used or their<br>changes verified or that these frameworks have pulled together the best<br>possible context&#8211;sensitive configuration of resources for a user or<br>another system&#046;<br>This workshop intends to focus on the important work of applying self&#8211;X<br>principles to the integration of “Interwoven Systems" (where an<br>"Interwoven System" is a system cutting across several technical domains,<br>combining traditionally engineered systems, systems making use of<br>self&#8211;X properties and methods, and human systems)&#046; The goal of the workshop<br>is to identify key challenges involved in creating self&#8211;integrating systems<br>and consider methods to achieve continuous self&#8211;improvement for this<br>integration process&#046; The workshop specifically targets an interdisciplinary<br>community of researchers (i&#046;e&#046; from systems engineering, complex adaptive<br>systems, socio&#8211;technical systems, and the OC/AC domains) in the hope that<br>collective expertise from a range of domains can be leveraged to drive<br>forward research in the area&#046;<br>Topics<br>======<br>The overall message of the workshop covers different fields of research<br>that will be part of the scope for accepted papers and discussions:<br>* Properties that an OC/AC&#8211;based system integration could enable<br>* Self&#8211;x properties applied to systems integration<br>&#8211; self&#8211;improving<br>&#8211; self&#8211;monitoring<br>&#8211; self&#8211;modelling<br>* Methods for self&#8211;integration<br>&#8211; continuous and evolving integration<br>&#8211; self&#8211;improving over time<br>&#8211; guidance by models<br>&#8211; collaboration schemes<br>* Approaches for self&#8211;modelling at runtime<br>* Quantification of the system integration’s quality and performance<br>* System integration with uncertainty<br>* Implications on traditional design processes<br>* Implications of the OC design notion on today‘s perception of design<br>flows and tools<br>&#8211; Trade&#8211;off between bottom&#8211;up design and pre&#8211;fabrication<br>&#8211; Overhead in form of redundant system resources<br>&#8211; Provisioning to allow for self&#8211;organised functional enhancement<br>&#8211; Provisioning to allow for performance enhancement at runtime<br>Further topics connected to the overall message will be also accepted&#046;