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<p class="MsoPlainText">co&#8211;located with Int&#046; Conf&#046; on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL)</p><p class="MsoPlainText"><br></p> <p class="MsoPlainText">*Scope of the Workshop*</p> <p class="MsoPlainText">The aim of this workshop is to make FPGA and reconfigurable technology accessible to software programmers&#046; Despite their frequently proven power and performance benefits, designing for FPGAs is mostly an engineering discipline carried out by highly trained specialists&#046; With recent progress in high&#8211;level synthesis, a first important step towards bringing FPGA technology to potentially millions of software developers was taken&#046; However, to make this happen, there are still important issues to be solved that are in the focus of this workshop&#046;</p> <p class="MsoPlainText"><br></p> <p class="MsoPlainText">*Topics of the FSP Workshop include, but are not limited to*<br></p><p class="MsoPlainText">o High&#8211;level synthesis and domain&#8211;specific languages (DSLs) for FPGAs and<span style="mso&#8211;spacerun:yes"> </span>heterogeneous systems</p><p class="MsoPlainText">o Mapping approaches and tools for heterogeneous FPGAs<br></p><p class="MsoPlainText">o Support of hard IP blocks such as embedded processors and memory interfaces<br></p><p class="MsoPlainText">o Development environments for software engineers (automated tool flows, design <span style="mso&#8211;spacerun:yes"></span>frameworks and tools, tool interaction)<br></p><p class="MsoPlainText">o FPGA virtualization (design for portability, hardware abstraction, etc&#046;)<br></p><p class="MsoPlainText">o Design automation technologies for multi&#8211;FPGA and heterogeneous systems<br></p><p class="MsoPlainText">o Methods for leveraging (partial) dynamic reconfiguration to increase<span style="mso&#8211;spacerun:yes"> </span>performance, flexibility, reliability, or programmability<br></p><p class="MsoPlainText">o Operating system services for FPGA resource management, reliability, security<br></p><p class="MsoPlainText">o Target hardware design platforms (infrastructure, drivers, portable systems)</p> <p class="MsoPlainText">o Overlays (CGRAs, vector processors, ASIP&#8211; and GPU&#8211;like intermediate fabrics)</p> <p class="MsoPlainText">o Applications (embedded computing, signal processing, bio informatics,<span style="mso&#8211;spacerun:yes"> </span>big data, database acceleration, etc&#046;) o Directions for collaborations (research proposals, networking, Horizon 2020)</p>