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The 8th International Laser Symposium in Dresden combines our former FiSC, Diode Laser Workshop and Tailored Joining Symposium in one unique conference&#046; In doing this, we intend to focus on the question:<br>Are we, with the current development of the diode laser, once again on the threshold of a quantum leap as was the case when we moved from the lamp&#8211;pumped Nd:YAG laser to the fiber laser? Which is the most efficient laser source &#8211; fiber, disc or after all diode?<br>The laser sources are measured by their applications, for example, laser beam welding and soldering&#046; Combining the Laser Symposium with the Tailored Joining Conference suggests in itself that both areas will benefit from each other&#046; In cooperation with sponsors, exhibitors and speakers we have composed a fascinating and comprehensive program&#046; We hope you<br>will have an interesting and exciting time with talks and discussions as well as with the accompanying exhibition and networks&#046;