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The Ninth International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS&#8211;2014) will be held at ABV&#8211;Indian Institute of Information Technology &amp; Management (IIITM), Gwalior, India jointly with San Diego State University, San Diego CA, USA during 15 – 17 December 2014&#046; The mission of the conference is to bring together academics and industrial experts in the field of Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control engineering, Computer Science &amp; Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Information Technology to a common forum, where a constructive dialog on theoretical concepts, practical ideas and results of the state of the art technology can be developed&#046; <b>The Conference Proceeding will be published on IEEE Xplorer&#046;</b><br>Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:<br>Communications and Information Technology<br>1&#046; Mobile and wireless communications<br>2&#046; Optical and photonic communications<br>3&#046; Antennas, propagation, and computational electromagnetic<br>4&#046; Microwave theory and techniques<br>5&#046; Network technologies, services and protocols<br>6&#046; Radar, sonar, and remote sensing applications<br>7&#046; Modulation, error&#8211;control, and diversity<br>8&#046; Image/video coding and transmission<br>9&#046; Cognitive radio and cooperative communications<br>10&#046; Smart antennas and MIMO systems<br>Computers and Embedded Systems<br>1&#046; Artificial intelligence, machine learning, expert systems<br>2&#046; Cryptography, cryptanalysis, and computer security and privacy<br>3&#046; Data fusion, data mining, and knowledge discovery<br>4&#046; Distributed systems and cloud computing<br>5&#046; Real&#8211;time systems<br>6&#046; Operating systems, compilers, programming languages, and architecture<br>7&#046; Computer networking and network security<br>8&#046; Nature inspired computing<br>9&#046; System reliability and security<br>10&#046; Software engineering<br>Electronics and Instrumentation<br>1&#046; Biomedical electronics and instrumentation<br>2&#046; Sensors and network systems<br>3&#046; Microelectronic design, manufacturing, and integration (VLSI, ULSI, SoC)<br>4&#046; Optoelectronics &amp; photonics<br>5&#046; Digital systems and reconfigurable computing<br>6&#046; Semiconductor materials and nanoelectronics (MEMS, MOEMS, NEMS)<br>7&#046; Precision instrumentation and measurements<br>8&#046; Healthcare &amp; monitoring systems<br>9&#046; Display technology RF and microwave circuits<br>Image and Signal Processing<br>1&#046; Statistical signal processing<br>2&#046; Multimedia signal processing<br>3&#046; Pattern recognition and computer vision<br>4&#046; Audio and speech signal processing<br>5&#046; Radar, sonar, and seismic signal processing<br>6&#046; Image, video, and multi&#8211;dimensional signal processing<br>7&#046; Bio imaging, image analysis, and signal processing<br>8&#046; Spectral analysis<br>9&#046; Signal processing education<br>10&#046; DSP hardware implementation<br>Power,Energy and High Voltage Engineering<br>1&#046; Electricity generation from renewable energy sources<br>2&#046; Embedded generation<br>3&#046; Power quality and electromagnetic compatibility<br>4&#046; Power electronic topologies and applications<br>5&#046; Energy measurement, pricing, and regulation<br>6&#046; Smart power grids, technologies, and applications<br>7&#046; Power system protection<br>8&#046; High voltage engineering<br>9&#046; Power system modeling, analysis, and control<br>10&#046; Electrical Machines and Drive<br>Robotics, Control and Automation Design<br>1&#046; De&#8211;centralized and distributed control<br>2&#046; Coordinated multi agent systems<br>3&#046; Machine perception in natural environments<br>4&#046; Precision drive systems and the control of electric drives<br>5&#046; Industrial robot systems<br>6&#046; Path planning, navigation, control in auto guided vehicles<br>7&#046; Biomedical applications<br>8&#046; Man&#8211;machine interactions<br>9&#046; Hybrid systems<br>10&#046; Linear and nonlinear control systems<br>