Deadline Paper

A cyber&#8211;physical system (CPS) is a tightly coupled integration and coordination of computing elements, communication components, and physical resources&#046; A multitude of wired and/or wireless communication/sensor networks connect these computing elements and physical resources&#046; It is insufficient to study each of the following in isolation since a CPS is not their union, but their intersection: embedded computers, control theory, sensor and communication networks, physical resources, decision theory, data fusion, and knowledge discovery&#046; Their joint dynamics must be studied together and this is what set this emerging discipline apart from these individually established fields&#046; Before deploying a CPS, a formal modeling, analysis, and verification must be performed on the entire system, as well as its components, to ensure the CPS&#8242;s safety, performance, and resilience&#046; This Special Issue is devoted to the latest research in CPS and solicits papers in the following (but not limited to) topics:<br>Real&#8211;Time and Embedded Systems<br>Design Space Exploration and Synthesis<br>Control and Optimization<br>Automatic Optimization of Specifications and in Compilers, and Code Generators<br>Timing and Performance Analysis<br>Timing Analysis of Functional reactive systems<br>Model&#8211;based Testing<br>Correct&#8211;by&#8211;Construction<br>Requirements Modeling and Analysis<br>Model&#8211;driven Engineering<br>Application of Formal Methods in the design and validation of embedded systems<br>Safety Analysis<br>Fault Tolerance and Resilience<br>Sensor Networks<br>Code Generator Verification<br>Machine Learning<br>Data Fusion and Mining<br>Security<br>