A cyber–physical system (CPS) is a tightly coupled integration and coordination of computing elements, communication components, and physical resources. A multitude of wired and/or wireless communication/sensor networks connect these computing elements and physical resources. It is insufficient to study each of the following in isolation since a CPS is not their union, but their intersection: embedded computers, control theory, sensor and communication networks, physical resources, decision theory, data fusion, and knowledge discovery. Their joint dynamics must be studied together and this is what set this emerging discipline apart from these individually established fields. Before deploying a CPS, a formal modeling, analysis, and verification must be performed on the entire system, as well as its components, to ensure the CPS′s safety, performance, and resilience. This Special Issue is devoted to the latest research in CPS and solicits papers in the following (but not limited to) topics:<br>Real–Time and Embedded Systems<br>Design Space Exploration and Synthesis<br>Control and Optimization<br>Automatic Optimization of Specifications and in Compilers, and Code Generators<br>Timing and Performance Analysis<br>Timing Analysis of Functional reactive systems<br>Model–based Testing<br>Correct–by–Construction<br>Requirements Modeling and Analysis<br>Model–driven Engineering<br>Application of Formal Methods in the design and validation of embedded systems<br>Safety Analysis<br>Fault Tolerance and Resilience<br>Sensor Networks<br>Code Generator Verification<br>Machine Learning<br>Data Fusion and Mining<br>Security<br>
Deadline Paper