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International Conference on VLSI Systems, Architecture, Technology and Applications (VLSI&#8211;SATA 2015) will be held at the Amrita Viswa Vidyapeetham (University), School of Engineering, Bengaluru Campus during January 8&#8211;10, 2015&#046; The conference will serve as an annual forum for researchers, academicians, and practitioners from around the world to present their current theoretical research efforts, system and design solutions and practical applications in VLSI&#046;<br>The conference with a theme of “ System Solutions for Emerging Applications”, aims to provide a common platform for discussing broader VLSI topics to better understand the integration of VLSI systems and design for today&#8242;s emerging applications&#046;<br>VLSI&#8211;SATA 2015 will be a 3 day event that will include Day 1 devoted to tutorials, workshops and student research forum to provide a broader technical platform to discuss recent topics in VLSI&#046; The aim of student research forum is to provide opportunity to foster student research and highlight student research accomplishments in VLSI&#046; Day 2 and Day 3 will include key note speakers, general parallel technical sessions in four tracks of: Systems and Architecture, Design and Tools, Technology and Applications&#046; Day 2 will also include an industrial track session&#046; In addition, Day 2 and Day 3 will include industry exhibits from industrial sponsoring partners to the conference<br>Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following areas:<br>Multi / Many Core Architecture<br>Crypto VLSI Hardware and VLSI Hardware Security<br>System&#8211;on&#8211;Chip and Network&#8211;on&#8211;Chip<br>Video and Image Processing Applications<br>Heterogeneous Architectures and Models<br>