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The conference aims to enable researchers build connections between different digital applications&#046; The EECEA2015 welcomes submissions on any topic in the field of electrical, electronics, computer engineering and any related topics&#046; The event will be held over three days, with presentations delivered by researchers from the international community, including presentations from keynote speakers and state&#8211;of&#8211;the&#8211;art lectures&#046;<br>All registered papers will be included in SDIWC Digital Library&#046; The published proceedings will be indexed in ResearchBib, ProQuest and Google Scholar Databases&#046; In addition, they will be reviewed for possible inclusion within the INSPEC, EI, DBLP, Microsoft Academic Research, and ResearchGate Databases&#046;<br>RESEARCH TOPICS ARE NOT LIMITED TO:<br>* Electronics Engineering<br>3D Semiconductor Device Technology<br>Advanced Electromagnetics<br>Component Technology of MEMS<br>Computer Engineering<br>Electronics System&#8211;Level Based Design<br>Electronics&#8211;Medical Electronics<br>Fiber Optics and Fiber Devices<br>Intelligent Transportation Systems<br>Medicine and Biology Applications<br>Mixed Signal Circuits<br>Mobile Robotics<br>Networks Design, Protocols and Management<br>Radio&#8211;Frequency Integrated Circuits<br>VLSI Testing and Design for Testability<br>* Electrical Engineering<br>Software Specification<br>Analysis of Power Quality and System Stability<br>Analog Circuits and Digital Circuits<br>Battery Management System<br>Computer Relaying<br>Electromagnetic and Photonics<br>Integrated Optics and Electro&#8211;optics Devices<br>Microwave and millimeter circuit and Antenna<br>Power Electronics<br>Remote control and techniques of GPS<br>Robotics and Atomization Engineering<br>Signal Processing<br>Smart Grid<br>Techniques of Laser and Applications Of Electro&#8211;optics<br>* Computer Engineering<br>Algorithms<br>Automated Software Engineering<br>Computer&#8211;aided Design<br>Computer Architecture<br>Computer Modeling<br>Computer Security<br>Database and Data Mining<br>Data Encryption<br>Digital Signal and Image Processing<br>Expert Systems<br>Information Systems<br>Mobile Computing<br>Multimedia Applications<br>Mobile Wireless Networks<br>Wireless Communication<br>