The conference aims to enable researchers build connections between different digital applications. The EECEA2015 welcomes submissions on any topic in the field of electrical, electronics, computer engineering and any related topics. The event will be held over three days, with presentations delivered by researchers from the international community, including presentations from keynote speakers and state–of–the–art lectures.<br>All registered papers will be included in SDIWC Digital Library. The published proceedings will be indexed in ResearchBib, ProQuest and Google Scholar Databases. In addition, they will be reviewed for possible inclusion within the INSPEC, EI, DBLP, Microsoft Academic Research, and ResearchGate Databases.<br>RESEARCH TOPICS ARE NOT LIMITED TO:<br>* Electronics Engineering<br>3D Semiconductor Device Technology<br>Advanced Electromagnetics<br>Component Technology of MEMS<br>Computer Engineering<br>Electronics System–Level Based Design<br>Electronics–Medical Electronics<br>Fiber Optics and Fiber Devices<br>Intelligent Transportation Systems<br>Medicine and Biology Applications<br>Mixed Signal Circuits<br>Mobile Robotics<br>Networks Design, Protocols and Management<br>Radio–Frequency Integrated Circuits<br>VLSI Testing and Design for Testability<br>* Electrical Engineering<br>Software Specification<br>Analysis of Power Quality and System Stability<br>Analog Circuits and Digital Circuits<br>Battery Management System<br>Computer Relaying<br>Electromagnetic and Photonics<br>Integrated Optics and Electro–optics Devices<br>Microwave and millimeter circuit and Antenna<br>Power Electronics<br>Remote control and techniques of GPS<br>Robotics and Atomization Engineering<br>Signal Processing<br>Smart Grid<br>Techniques of Laser and Applications Of Electro–optics<br>* Computer Engineering<br>Algorithms<br>Automated Software Engineering<br>Computer–aided Design<br>Computer Architecture<br>Computer Modeling<br>Computer Security<br>Database and Data Mining<br>Data Encryption<br>Digital Signal and Image Processing<br>Expert Systems<br>Information Systems<br>Mobile Computing<br>Multimedia Applications<br>Mobile Wireless Networks<br>Wireless Communication<br>
Deadline Paper
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