San Diego
United States
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Get up to date on RFID research and technical know&#8211;how&#046; You will get face&#8211;to&#8211;face time with the top researchers and scientists working on RFID&#046; There will be plenty of new discoveries and information presented that will inspire you to use RFID in new ways for your business application or scientific study&#046;<br>Get an international breadth of new perspectives&#046; Academic and industry perspectives from the entire world will be presented as well&#046; In the 2014 conference, 22% of the paper submissions were from the USA, and 33% of the paper submissions were from Europe, Africa, and the Middle East&#046; Asia and Pacific countries submitted 31% of the papers&#046; Canada submitted 6%, and Latin America submitted 7%&#046; Last year’s conference accepted 30% of the high&#8211;quality papers submitted&#046;<br>IEEE RFID 2015 is our eighth annual conference&#046; It is the premier technical conference for RFID where you can:<br>Hear from leading experts in the field about the latest developments in RFID&#046;<br>Meet other practitioners and researchers from industry and academia&#046;<br>Learn about the latest research advancements in specific conference tracks and the poster and demo session&#046;<br>Expand your knowledge by attending a few workshops and tutorials&#046;<br>