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The International Conference on High Performance Computing and Applications (ICHPCA&#8211;2014) is the premier forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the fields of High performance computing and related areas&#046; Original unpublished manuscripts that demonstrate current R&amp;D work carried out are invited from researchers, academicians and industry personnel in all areas of High Performance Computing under the tracks : Parallel and distributed architectures, Parallel and distributed software; Performance in Communications and Networks using HPC Techniques, High Performance, Parallel and Distributed Algorithms, Parallel and Distributed Computing in Data Bases and Data Mining, Optimization and Computational Intelligence, HPC in Scientific, Engineering, Medical and Social Applications&#046; ICHPCA&#8211;2014 is technically sponsored by IEEE Kolkata Section and Computer Society of India (Division&#8211;V)&#046;<br>Tracks:<br>Track&#8211;1 : Parallel and distributed architectures<br>Track&#8211;2 : Parallel and distributed software<br>Track&#8211;3 : Performance in Communications and Networks using HPC Techniques<br>Track&#8211;4 : High Performance, Parallel and Distributed Algorithms<br>Track&#8211;5 : Parallel and Distributed Computing in Data Bases and Data Mining<br>Track&#8211;6 : Optimization and Computational Intelligence<br>Track&#8211;7 : HPC in Scientific, Engineering, Medical and Social Applications<br>