Deadline Paper
Start Date
End Date

The following topics reflect the main issues, which will be addressed during the workshop&#046; The list of topics is not considered exhaustive&#046; Authors are encouraged to submit papers on topics they consider relevant, even if they are not explicitly mentioned below&#046;<br>The submitted papers should, as far as possible, address concrete study cases and projects applicable to the space domain&#046;<br>Simulation Based Development<br>Simulation as support to System Engineering<br>Integrated development process<br>Mission and system analysis and definition<br>Model based specification – functional and data level<br>Simulation as support to concurrent and collaborative engineering<br>Data exchange<br>Simulation to support design verification<br>The “Virtual Spacecraft” concept<br>Ultra realistic spacecraft model concept (Digital Twin)<br>Verification and validation on system, software and element level<br>End&#8211;to&#8211;End simulation systems, performance simulations<br>Operations preparation, mission planning and simulation based training<br>EGSE &amp; AIT processes<br>EGSE Building Blocks<br>Remote testing<br>Commonality with mission operations<br>Training<br>Information flow<br>Procurements<br>System level Databases<br>Standardisation<br>System Modelling and Simulation in System Engineering<br>Software Model Portability (SMP) – Status and experiences<br>Distributed (interactive) Simulation<br>(Simulation) Data visualisation, especially using 3D graphical displays<br>Simulator verification and validation methods<br>Data exchange with other spacecraft domains, e&#046;g&#046; design data, spacecraft database<br>Interoperability<br>System Engineering Data repository<br>Monitoring and Control Data definition<br>Communication protocols<br>Test and Operation Procedure Languages<br>ECSS covering Software and Modelling and Simulation<br>ECSS and CCSDS covering EGSE and Operations<br>Methods &amp; Tools<br>Simulation infrastructures<br>Tools and Environments<br>Low&#8211;end simulator platforms<br>Hardware&#8211;In&#8211;The&#8211;Loop Simulation<br>Humans&#8211;In&#8211;The&#8211;Loop Simulation<br>Validation and verification of simulators<br>Remote Testing<br>Agent Based Simulators<br>Reuse of simulation products: models, architectures, procedures and databases<br>Real&#8211;Time simulation: scheduling and data communication<br>Distributed processing: advanced scheduling, parallel running models, GRID, cloud approaches<br>Data exchange<br>Visualisation of simulation data<br>Human Computer Interfaces<br>3D graphics, low&#8211;end 3D graphics technologies<br>Real time 3D immersive interactive visualisation, "Virtual Reality", Augmented Reality<br>Virtual integration (over networks)<br>System, Simulation and AIT Databases<br>