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<pre>Programming languages exist to enable programmers to develop software effectively&#046; But how efficiently programmers can write software depends on the usability of the languages and tools that they develop with&#046; The aim of this workshop is to discuss methods, metrics and techniques for evaluating the usability of languages and language tools&#046; The supposed benefits of such languages and tools cover a large space, including making programs easier to read, write, and maintain; allowing programmers to write more flexible and powerful programs; and restricting programs to make them more safe and secure&#046; PLATEAU gathers the intersection of researchers in the programming language, programming tool, and human&#8211;computer interaction communities to share their research and discuss the future of evaluation and usability of programming languages and tools&#046; Some particular areas of interest are: &#8211; empirical studies of programming languages &#8211; methodologies and philosophies behind language and tool evaluation &#8211; software design metrics and their relations to the underlying language &#8211; user studies of language features and software engineering tools &#8211; visual techniques for understanding programming languages &#8211; critical comparisons of programming paradigms &#8211; tools to support evaluating programming languages &#8211; psychology of programming<br></pre>