Deadline Paper
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ACM MobiHoc is a premier conference with a highly selective single&#8211;track technical program dedicated to addressing the challenges emerging from wireless networking and computing&#046;<br>We invite paper submissions on fundamental contributions to a broad variety of issues related to wireless and mobile networks&#046; We encourage theoretical contributions as well as submissions related to implementation and experimentation that provide deeper understanding&#046; The main focus is on contributions at and above the MAC layer&#046; Papers dealing with physical layer issues are also welcome, provided that they address cross&#8211;layer networking issues&#046;<br>The areas of interest include, but are not limited to the following:<br>&#8211; Mobile, cellular, sensor, wireless mesh, vehicular, cognitive radio, ad hoc, social, opportunistic, and delay tolerant networks<br>&#8211; Optimization and control for mobile crowdsourcing<br>&#8211; Mobile computing systems<br>&#8211; Applications, middleware, transport, network, and MAC protocols<br>&#8211; Routing, scheduling, resource allocation, and energy efficiency<br>&#8211; Localization and location privacy<br>&#8211; Scaling laws and fundamental limits<br>&#8211; Cross&#8211;layer optimization and control<br>&#8211; Modeling and performance evaluation<br>&#8211; Function computation and data aggregation<br>&#8211; Network resilience, fault&#8211;tolerance, and reliability<br>&#8211; Trust, security, and privacy<br>&#8211; Distributed sensing, actuation, and control in cyber&#8211;physical systems<br>&#8211; Wireless aspects of the smart grid<br>&#8211; Wireless aspects of the Internet of Things<br>&#8211; Impacts of physical layer innovations on higher layers<br>&#8211; System design, testbeds, and experimental evaluation<br>&#8211; Measurements from deployed and experimental systems<br>