ACM MobiHoc is a premier conference with a highly selective single–track technical program dedicated to addressing the challenges emerging from wireless networking and computing.<br>We invite paper submissions on fundamental contributions to a broad variety of issues related to wireless and mobile networks. We encourage theoretical contributions as well as submissions related to implementation and experimentation that provide deeper understanding. The main focus is on contributions at and above the MAC layer. Papers dealing with physical layer issues are also welcome, provided that they address cross–layer networking issues.<br>The areas of interest include, but are not limited to the following:<br>– Mobile, cellular, sensor, wireless mesh, vehicular, cognitive radio, ad hoc, social, opportunistic, and delay tolerant networks<br>– Optimization and control for mobile crowdsourcing<br>– Mobile computing systems<br>– Applications, middleware, transport, network, and MAC protocols<br>– Routing, scheduling, resource allocation, and energy efficiency<br>– Localization and location privacy<br>– Scaling laws and fundamental limits<br>– Cross–layer optimization and control<br>– Modeling and performance evaluation<br>– Function computation and data aggregation<br>– Network resilience, fault–tolerance, and reliability<br>– Trust, security, and privacy<br>– Distributed sensing, actuation, and control in cyber–physical systems<br>– Wireless aspects of the smart grid<br>– Wireless aspects of the Internet of Things<br>– Impacts of physical layer innovations on higher layers<br>– System design, testbeds, and experimental evaluation<br>– Measurements from deployed and experimental systems<br>
Deadline Paper
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