Cyber–Physical System (CPS) is a relatively new term coined in the field of interconnected devices and networks that enhances the notion of Cyberspace. It offers a kind of Cyberspace based on good number of interconnected physical devices each of which is run by sophisticated embedded systems and software. Checking the history, we find that the initial promoters of this idea had strong background in software engineering technologies for embedded software, working on standalone systems. Hence, from their perspective, they focused on a single embedded system. When the idea of CPS was being developed, it considered how to make it possible that multiple embedded control systems can interact among themselves through communications and physical environments (e.g., from one′s actuators to other one′s sensors). Apart from this, many other networking and software development issues were raised like how to model, design, implement, and test software, how to consider and reflect uncertainty and heterogeneity due to the integration within the development phase, how to provide reliability and dependability on such systems, how to maintain such systems, and so on. Recently, security topics in CPS have come forward. The question however is whether the CPS’s structure changes the security requirements of those present in the areas of Internet of Things (IoT), M2M (Machine to Machine), or such communications? With multiple definitions of CPS today, the security issue is still an open field and many are linking CPS security with their own field of research. Some from programming or software engineering point of view, some with middleware/OS (operative system) point of view, and some with IoT, M2M, or such technologies. In fact, the security techniques in other fields would also help CPS security. The term is indeed attractive but the skeleton behind the technology is kind of the same on which different other security technologies may work. General works on IoT for instance, would also be relevant to such an interconnected system. This book aims to address these issues covering different mechanisms related to CPS security. Different types of thoughts on these issues are welcome. The topics should cover the following and other related issues (but not limited to these, if related to CPS security):<br>– Security protocol development for CPS;<br>– Access control techniques for CPS;<br>– Secure CPS architectures;<br>– Key management in CPS;<br>– Intrusion detection for CPS;<br>– Security of embedded systems;<br>– Security of CPS in various engineering applications;<br>– Security of industrial control systems related to CPS;<br>– Security of Internet–of–Things;<br>– M2M security in the context of CPS;<br>– RFID Applications security in Cyber–Physical System;<br>
United States
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