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Founded in 1998 to address research into the application of real&#8211;time distributed technology, ISORC has continually evolved to meet the latest challenges faced by researchers and practitioners in the real&#8211;time domain, with an emphasis on object&#8211;, component&#8211; and service&#8211; oriented systems and solutions&#046; We invite original submissions from academia and industry pertaining to all aspects of real&#8211;time distributed technology&#046; We are currently negotiating for top papers from ISORC 2015 to be invited to the special issue of a high&#8211;ranked international journal (title to be confirmed)&#046;<br>Papers submitted to IEEE ISORC 2015 include, but are not limited to, the following topic areas:<br>Programming and system engineering: ORC paradigms, object/component models, languages, synchronous languages, RT CORBA, Embedded &#046;NET, RT RMI, RT Java, UML, model&#8211;driven development, specification, design, verification, validation, testing, maintenance, system of systems, time&#8211;predictable systems and hardware&#046;<br>Distributed computing and communication infrastructures: real&#8211;time communication, networked platforms, protocols, Internet QoS, peer&#8211;to&#8211;peer computing, sensor networks, trusted and dependable systems&#046;&#046;<br>System software: real&#8211;time kernels and OS, middleware support for ORC, QoS management, extensibility, synchronization, resource allocation, scheduling, fault tolerance, security&#046;<br>