Deadline Paper
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End Date

Following a successful inaugural conference, this is your chance to be part of the programme for the 2nd IET International Conference on Intelligent Signal Processing, which will be held in the newly re&#8211;opened IET London: Savoy Place&#046;<br>If successful, you will present your work at the conference, have your full paper published in the conference proceedings, IET Digital Library and IEEE Xplore, indexed by IET Inspec and submitted to Ei Compendex for consideration for indexing&#046;<br>Technical scope<br>&#8211; Adaptive Monte Carlo methods<br>&#8211; Advances in adaptive signal processing<br>&#8211; Advances in signal processing for communications<br>&#8211; Ad&#8211;hoc sensor networks<br>&#8211; Audio and acoustic signal processing<br>&#8211; Bio&#8211;signal processing<br>&#8211; Cognitive radio and cooperative relay communications<br>&#8211; Compressive sensing and sparsity<br>&#8211; Convex optimisation in signal processing and communications<br>&#8211; Game theory in signal processing<br>&#8211; Human vs&#046; Machine intelligence, human and machine interaction<br>&#8211; Information and stochastic geometry<br>&#8211; Information forensics and security<br>&#8211; Pattern analysis and large scale data mining<br>&#8211; Learning and decision making in homogeneous and heterogenous networks<br>&#8211; Machine learning and neural networks<br>&#8211; Multimodal signal processing and multimodal fusion<br>&#8211; Reduced rank signal processing methods<br>&#8211; Sensing, clustering and classification<br>&#8211; Social signal processing and affective computing<br>&#8211; Semantic media processing<br>&#8211; Signal processing applications in healthcare, finance, and the digital economy<br>&#8211; Signal processing for physical layer security<br>&#8211; Smart grid communications<br>&#8211; Statistical signal processing<br>