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SIMUTools 2015 is the eight edition of the annual International Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques&#046; The conference focuses on a broad range of research challenges in the field of simulation, modeling and analysis, addressing current and future trends in simulation techniques, models, practices and software&#046; The conference is dedicated to fostering interdisciplinary collaborative research in these areas and across a wide spectrum of application domains&#046;<br>Building on the success of the previous seven editions (2008&#8211;2014), this year&#8242;s edition will provide an exciting forum for interaction among academic and industry researchers together with practitioners from both the simulation community and the different user communities&#046;<br>Topics<br>SIMUTools&#8242; general topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:<br>&#8211; Simulation methods: discrete event, parallel and distributed simulation, time synchronization, load balancing and migration, model partitioning, hybrid simulation, simulation&#8211;interoperation, multi&#8211;resolution and multi&#8211;scale simulation<br>&#8211; Simulation techniques: service&#8211;oriented, agent&#8211;based, web&#8211;based, component&#8211;based, symbiotic simulation<br>&#8211; Simulation software: environments, tools, libraries, and frameworks<br>&#8211; Simulation performance: GPU&#8211;based simulation, simulation in the cloud, scalability, performance analysis<br>&#8211; Modeling formalisms: DEVS, Petri Nets, process algebras, state charts, and others<br>&#8211; Simulation verification, validation, accreditation, and analysis: benchmark models, simulation&#8211;based verification, workflows, simulation experiment design, and optimization<br>&#8211; Simulation packages:widely used frameworks such as Modelica, ns&#8211;2/3, OPNET, Qualnet, OMNET++, and other open source software for modeling and simulation<br>