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The Design and Analysis of Control Systems (DACS) is organized as a Special Session in conjunction with the 11th International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering (ICCMSE 2015, http://www&#046;iccmse&#046;org/) and will be held in Athens, Greece, from 20 to 23 March, 2015&#046; After the success of the session during the HSI Conference in 2014, this year it is continued as a part of the ICCMSE&#046;<br>The aim of the session is to bring together researchers and practitioners from industry and academia to provide them with a platform to report on recent developments, deployments, technology trends and research results, as well as initiatives related to design and analysis of control systems and their applications in a variety of industrial environments&#046;<br>Topics:<br>&#8211; Control Units and Control Systems<br>&#8211; Embedded Systems<br>&#8211; Petri Net&#8211;Based Digital Design<br>&#8211; Logic Controller Design<br>&#8211; Safety Critical Computer Control Applications<br>&#8211; Security of Applications and Control Systems<br>&#8211; Artificial Intelligence and Adaptive Systems<br>&#8211; UML in Digital Design<br>&#8211; Microprocessor&#8211;based Control Systems<br>&#8211; Hardware&#8211;Software Co&#8211;Design<br>&#8211; Programmable Logic<br>&#8211; Cryptology (Software and Hardware)<br>