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The European Wireless (EW) conference is a key venue for European researchers to get in touch with the latest trends in wireless communications and networking&#046; The 21th EW conference will take place in Budapest, the lively capital of Hungary, organized by the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME)&#046; The main topic of EW 2015 will be “5G and beyond&#046;”&#046;<br>The call for papers can be downloaded as a PDF file as well&#046;<br>Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:<br>FW Fundamental Wireless<br>Modulation and coding for wireless communications<br>Signal processing for wireless communications<br>Wireless models, synchronization, estimation, equalization<br>MIMO systems, space&#8211;time coding, diversity<br>Fundamental limits, information theory for wireless<br>Multiple access schemes, multiuser detection<br>Interference mitigation and management<br>Distributed coding and cooperative diversity<br>Localization and positioning in wireless systems<br>Source and joint source/channel coding<br>Spectrum sensing and wireless parameter estimation<br>TW Technology for Wireless<br>Migration, integration, and convergence towards 5G<br>WiFi, LTE, 3GPP, Heterogeneous Networks<br>Wireless LAN/PAN/BAN, Ad Hoc, Mesh networks<br>Near&#8211;field communications &amp; RFID<br>Wired&#8211;wireless integration<br>Ultra&#8211;Wideband Communications<br>Mm&#8211;wave communications<br>Wireless sensors &amp; actuators networks<br>Vehicular and disruption tolerant wireless networks<br>Visible light communications<br>EW Efficient Wireless<br>Power: green communications, energy harvesting devices<br>Band: cognitive radio, spectrum&#8211;aware techniques<br>Implementation: low&#8211;complexity and scalable systems<br>Reliability: robust and dependable wireless systems<br>Cost: low&#8211;cost radio, sustainable wireless<br>Security: privacy and trust in wireless networks<br>AW Advanced Wireless<br>Protocols and architectures for wireless networks<br>Channel coding, error protection, network coding<br>Cross&#8211;layer issues in wireless networks<br>Cognitive radio for wireless communications<br>QoS and resource allocation in wireless networks<br>Mobile/wireless networks modeling and simulation<br>Localization and positioning in wireless scenarios<br>Optimization and game theory for wireless<br>Topology control, self&#8211;organizing wireless networks<br>Transport layer for wireless communications<br>Relays and buffers in wireless networks<br>Tools for modeling and analysis of wireless systems<br>PW Practical Wireless<br>Implementation issues in wireless systems<br>Testbeds and experimental systems<br>Antenna and RF modeling and design<br>Mobility management and billing technologies<br>Mobile apps and platforms<br>Regulation and standardization for wireless<br>Context awareness<br>Emerging applications in wireless networks<br>VW Vision for Wireless<br>Personal wireless communications beyond 5G<br>Software defined wireless networks and re&#8211;configurability<br>M2M communications and the Internet of Things<br>Storage, smart caching, and cloud for wireless<br>Wireless social networks, participatory computing<br>Molecular and nano&#8211;scale wireless communications<br>New disruptive concepts for wireless<br>