The 13th edition of the International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods will be held in <strong>York, UK</strong> between <strong>7–11 September 2015</strong>. The aim of the conference is to bring together practitioners and researchers from academia, industry and government to advance the state of the art in formal methods, to facilitate their uptake in the software industry and to encourage their integration with practical engineering methods. Papers that combine formal methods and software engineering are especially welcome.<br>The topics of interest for this conference include, but are not limited to:<br>Formal requirement analysis, modeling, specification and design<br>Abstraction and refinement<br>Formal methods for probabilistic verification and synthesis<br>Programming languages, program analysis and type theory<br>Formal methods for self–adaptive systems, service–oriented and cloud computing<br>Formal aspects of security and mobility<br>Model checking, theorem proving and decision procedures<br>Formal methods for real–time, hybrid and embedded systems<br>Formal methods for safety–critical, fault–tolerant and secure systems<br>Software architecture and coordination languages<br>Software verification and validation<br>Component, object and multi–agent systems<br>Formal aspects of software evolution and maintenance<br>Formal methods for testing, re–engineering and reuse<br>Light–weight and scalable formal methods<br>Tool integration<br>Applications of formal methods, industrial case studies and technology transfer<br>Education and formal methods<br>Interactive systems and human error analysis<br>Formal methods for HCI<br>Formal analysis of human behaviour<br>
Deadline Paper
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