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The 2nd Spring Conference on Wireless Communications and Networks (CWCN&#8211;S 2015) will be held from March 18 to 20, 2015 in Suzhou, China&#046; You are invited to submit papers and participate in our academic exchange&#046; The conference is soliciting state&#8211;of&#8211;the&#8211;art research papers in the following areas of interest:<br>Physical Layer<br>Channel modeling and characterization<br>Cognitive radio<br>Equalization, synchronization, channel estimation<br>Information&#8211;theoretic aspects of wireless communications<br>Interference characterization, cancellation and multiuser detection<br>Iterative techniques<br>Modulation, coding, diversity<br>Multihop and cooperative communications<br>OFDM, CDMA, spread spectrum<br>Propagation models for high frequency channels<br>Signal processing for wireless communications<br>Space&#8211;time coding, MIMO, adaptive antennas<br>Ultra&#8211;wideband<br>Data Link Layer and Media Access Control<br>Adaptability and reconfigurability<br>B3G/4G Systems, WiMAX, WLAN, WPAN<br>Cognitive and cooperative MAC<br>Collaborative algorithms<br>Cross&#8211;layer design, cross&#8211;layer security<br>MAC for mesh, ad hoc, relay, and sensor networks<br>Multiple access techniques<br>Network information theory<br>QoS provisioning in MAC<br>Radio resource management and allocation, scheduling<br>Software defined radio<br>Wireless MAC protocols: design and analysis<br>Wireless and Mobile Networks<br>Capacity, throughput, outage, coverage<br>Congestion and admission control<br>Interworking heterogeneous wireless/wireline networks<br>Mesh, relay, sensor and ad hoc networks<br>Mobile and wireless IP<br>Mobility, location, and handoff management<br>Multimedia QoS and traffic management<br>Network estimation and processing techniques<br>Performance of end&#8211;to&#8211;end protocols over wireless networks<br>Proxies and middleware for wireless networks<br>Robust routing<br>Wireless broadcast, multicast and routing<br>Wireless network security and privacy<br>