The 2nd Spring Conference on Wireless Communications and Networks (CWCN–S 2015) will be held from March 18 to 20, 2015 in Suzhou, China. You are invited to submit papers and participate in our academic exchange. The conference is soliciting state–of–the–art research papers in the following areas of interest:<br>Physical Layer<br>Channel modeling and characterization<br>Cognitive radio<br>Equalization, synchronization, channel estimation<br>Information–theoretic aspects of wireless communications<br>Interference characterization, cancellation and multiuser detection<br>Iterative techniques<br>Modulation, coding, diversity<br>Multihop and cooperative communications<br>OFDM, CDMA, spread spectrum<br>Propagation models for high frequency channels<br>Signal processing for wireless communications<br>Space–time coding, MIMO, adaptive antennas<br>Ultra–wideband<br>Data Link Layer and Media Access Control<br>Adaptability and reconfigurability<br>B3G/4G Systems, WiMAX, WLAN, WPAN<br>Cognitive and cooperative MAC<br>Collaborative algorithms<br>Cross–layer design, cross–layer security<br>MAC for mesh, ad hoc, relay, and sensor networks<br>Multiple access techniques<br>Network information theory<br>QoS provisioning in MAC<br>Radio resource management and allocation, scheduling<br>Software defined radio<br>Wireless MAC protocols: design and analysis<br>Wireless and Mobile Networks<br>Capacity, throughput, outage, coverage<br>Congestion and admission control<br>Interworking heterogeneous wireless/wireline networks<br>Mesh, relay, sensor and ad hoc networks<br>Mobile and wireless IP<br>Mobility, location, and handoff management<br>Multimedia QoS and traffic management<br>Network estimation and processing techniques<br>Performance of end–to–end protocols over wireless networks<br>Proxies and middleware for wireless networks<br>Robust routing<br>Wireless broadcast, multicast and routing<br>Wireless network security and privacy<br>
Deadline Paper
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End Date