Topics include, but are not limited to, the following:<br>Track I:Methods, Languages & Tools for process–based SOC systems<br>Business process integration, alignment & management in SOAs<br>Methods and techniques to bridge the gap between business processes and SOC–based implementations<br>Methods, languages & tools for building process–based SOC systems<br>Modeling and simulation of service–oriented systems<br>Integration of services into process–based environments<br>Service interoperability, composibility, quality, reliability<br>Metrics and measurement of services, QoS, and QoE<br>Runtime verification, validation, monitoring,<br>Testing on–the–fly and policy enforcement<br>Dynamic service delivery, deployment and evolution<br>Service mobility, scalability, elasticity, and security<br>Operation and governance for large–scale service–oriented systems<br>Adaptation, control and optimization in service–oriented systems<br>Modernization, migration, and servicetization of legacy systems<br>Service–oriented system engineering for large–scale analytics<br>Social and collaborative engineering of services systems<br>Service–oriented engineering of emergent systems<br>Service–oriented engineering and clouds<br>Cyber–Physical Systems, and Social Networking Systems.<br>Track II:Advanced models and infrastructures in SOC engineering<br>Requirement modeling of services<br>Semantic–enabled process and service engineering<br>Model–driven development of service–oriented systems<br>End–user development and mashup of software services<br>Lifecycle models, reusability, and scalability for services<br>Web services for Web/Internet of Things<br>Coordination and cooperation of services<br>Efficient scheduling of services<br>Engineering service–based cyber–physical systems<br>Services infrastructure for big data<br>Services infrastructure for virtualisation<br>Dependable services engineering<br>Service engineering in embedded systems<br>Application of SOC in sensor networks<br>Mobile cloud services and SOC<br>
San Francisco
United States
Deadline Paper
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