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SEC is the annual conference of iSOFT, the India chapter of ACM SIGSOFT (http://isoft&#046;acm&#046;org ) under the umbrella of ACM India&#046; The eighth ISEC will be held at Electronic City, Bangalore, India&#046; ISEC will bring together researchers and practitioners from across the world to share the results of their work&#046; Research papers are invited describing original and unpublished results of conceptual, empirical, and experimental software engineering research&#046; Papers describing industry experience are especially welcome&#046; The goal of the conference is to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners from both academia and industry to meet and share cutting&#8211;edge advancements in the field of software engineering&#046; All submissions should clearly identify their contribution to the state of the art and their potential usefulness&#046; Submissions are invited broadly in all aspects of software engineering, including but not limited to, the following:<br>Requirements Engineering<br>Empirical Software Engineering and Metrics<br>Software Performance Engineering<br>Software Architecture and Design<br>Development Paradigms and Processes<br>People Issues in Software Engineering<br>Component Based Software Engineering<br>Quality Management<br>Case Studies and Industrial Experience<br>Software Engineering Education<br>Cloud Computing and Software Engineering<br>Testing and Static Analysis<br>Specification and Verification<br>Model Driven Software Engineering<br>Tools and Environments<br>Maintenance and Evolution<br>Service Oriented Software Engineering<br>Object&#8211;Oriented Analysis and Design<br>Distributed Software Development<br>Software as a Service<br>Knowledge Based Software Engineering<br>Agent Oriented Software Engineering<br>Semantics in Software Engineering<br>Mining Software Repositories<br>