Following three successful editions of ECOSM organized by and held at IFP Energies Nouvelles in Rueil–Malmaison, France, the 2015 IFAC Workshop on Engine and Powertrain Control, Simulation and Modeling, E–COSM15, will be held Sunday through Wednesday, August 23 – 26, at the Blackwell Inn in Columbus, Ohio on the campus of The Ohio State University. E–COSM15 is organized and hosted by the Center for Automotive Research and by SIMCenter at The Ohio State University, and is sponsored by the International Federation of Automatic Control Technical Comiittee on Automotive Control, TC 7.1.<br>Meeting topics for 2015 will include:<br>System modeling and simulation framework for engine and powertrain control design, calibration and validation<br>Model–based control, estimation and diagnostics for the new generations of CI and SI engines<br>Modeling, optimization and control for hybrid and electrified vehicles and their components<br>Thermal management and waste heat recovery Application of information and communication technologies for supervision, energy management and diagnostics of automotive powertrains<br>
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